Friday, July 1, 2011

Malacca Food Trip 2011

Christ Church Melaka
Day 1
Went to Malacca again, this time a food trip from 24th June to 26 June. Went with SY, QY, PW and April for a 2D2N trip. We met at office's lobby at 5.45pm and we took cab down to Kovan Hub. Pw's bag was like weighing a few kg, i think (so heavy for a 2D trip... lol). We had our dinner at the hawker centre there and bought some breads. Then we left from Kovan Hub bus interchange on Friday evening (7pm). The coach seats was abit cramped, kekeke....April was sitting with Qy and i am sitting with Pw. It took us 1 hour to reach Tuas Checkpoint, then we passed Singapore Customs and went to Malaysia Customs. No jam there, we had our fingerprints there too when we were at Malaysia customs. Then after that, it's a long ride to Malacca.

Finally, we alighted at our destination, the bus terminal @ Malacca Central. It was already about 12 plus, then we called up Sy to come pick us up. We waited for about 5 mins, Sy appeared with his grandma's car (kekeke....). Then he drove us to Bayview hotel for check-in, we arrived at the hotel and all were amazed by the hotel's got a double and a twin rooms instead of 2 twins rooms. Qy doesn't want to sleep on double bed, so Pw and April shared the double room while mi, Qy and Sy shared the twins room. Anyway our rooms are connecting rooms, so we can run to each other's rooms. We went up to check out our rooms then, the TV in my room was not working. So i had to go to the other room to watch... : P
The hotel auntie bought us the extra pillow and towel and she was panting for breathe...hahaha....then later Pw called the room service to request for another set of toiletries. The same auntie came back with it, but she was speaking in malay with a not-so-nice attitude. But we can't understand, so Qy asked April to help translate. But she didn't say anything to us when the auntie was niaming. She just told us that she is charging for the extra set of toiletries if we want. So we told the auntie, we don't want instead. After she left, April told the auntie was actually not happy that we didn't ask her to bring the 1st time she came up. Then Qy said maybe that auntie was the only 1 working in the hotel...hahahaa...

Later we all had our bath and chatted, cracked jokes until 3am plus (i think). Finally all kept quiet and went to bed to prepare for the next full day journey.

Day 2
Woke up at 8 plus with the ground wet, after a heavy rain during the night. We each prepared ourselves, then we left the hotel at 9.15 am. First stop, Kok Keong Restoran. There, we had yam rice pork Soup for our breakfast. It was not bad...Next, we went down to the Martime Museum, which was a Portuguese sunk ship.Next we walked down to the Quayside, where we saw the Malacca River Cruise and the fortress wall which was used to defend Malacca. There was a very big wheel too. We were trying to have a group photo on the fortress wall much fun when we were trying to climb on the walls...After that we were walking to Christ church side..Sy suddenly went and lay on the ground to take a water reflection photo of the christ church, Qy was asking Pw quick take out $ and put it where Sy was lying, then Qy will take a photo of it...kekeke...So Sy got a nice photo of his Christ Church and we got a nice photo of him on the ground...Hahahaa....We spent some time at Chirst Church there and we went to have a look at the museums on top (*secret..there was a photo on Sy super gay which Qy took for him in the museum.....a must to see it....). And we went up to Malacca hill (i think) to see the leftover walls of St Paul's church. By 1 plus, we were all hungry, so we headed down to Amy's Heritage Nyonya Cuisine to have our lunch.We ordered 5 dishes there (Vege in Coconut Curry, Asaam Fish, Tofu,Chap Chye, Ayam buah keluak and white rice), nicer than Nonya Nancy Kitchen.But there was a strong fish smell in Asaam fish dish. After that, we went for shopping cos we were all sweating and wanted to find a place with aircon to cool down..hohoho....

We arrived at Dataran Pahlawan Mega Mall as our shopping place. There, we walked past a bra shop and men's underwear shop (next to each other). So April made a joke that we gals will go in the bra shop and Sy will go to the men's underwear shop, which Pw added that Sy to show us when he try out the underwears...then Sy asked Pw whether wan to have a fashion show....hahaha. Then we went for our shopping while Sy went to look for our next food destination which is somewhere in the mall. Qy bought shoes while April bought clothes, then we walked around and went up to Nadeje. was having a queue there and needed around 1 hour to get a table. So Sy left his contact number and we went for A&W first for a cooling root beer float, curly fries and waffles. (Sy don't get why we were so into A& Qy was super pleased that she got to eat her waffles and root beer float). When we are almost done eating, table in Nadeje was ready for us. So we went up to have mille crepes...It was super nice...we ordered 5 flavors (Chocolate Banana, Original, Cheese, Rum & Raisin and don't know what Malacca)...the chocolate banana crepe was only having banana taste and no choco taste. Preferred the what Malacca and the original de....When we were having the Rum & Raisin crepe, Sy went and ask whether it can be kept long for their crepe cos Pw suggested Sy to bring back for us. When he came back, the Rum & Raisin crepe was left with only 2 small pieces...hahaha...he was so shocked that we ate up the crepe so fast and he was left with only that...kekeke.....

After the nice tasty crepes, we walked over to Hotel Equatorial opposite as Qy and Sy were having 'feeeeling'....with the toilets...kekeke....After that, we went for Malacca Boat was $10RM per person for the ride. Didn't enjoy the ride, it was packed with people and you can't reali see when sitting inside of the boat. And there is no guide to tell you the buildings or bridges that we passing, there was a audio guide playing and it was played in Malay for the 1st half of the ride. On the 2nd half of the ride, the audio guide was speaking in Malay and English.Those sitting near the sides were being splashed by the river waters....hohoho....and April was the one of us who genna the most....Sy was calling out to the ang mo passerby wherever the boat passed by...sometimes April oso joined in, the 2 of them super
After the ride, we went back to the hotel for a while, to charge Sy's camera battery. Then we went down to Portuguese Settlement for our Portuguese dinner. While walking to the dinner place, there was a cart selling Portuguese snacks..Don't know what is it called, anyway it looked like pandan chicken and chicken pie. Sy bought to try....(nobody wants to eat it again after
We spent abit of time searching for the place that we wanted to eat dinner, it was called San Pedro. To our surprise, there was almost no one eating in there, only 1 table of people. (Don't know it is too late, reaching their closing time or something else). Sy was searching on the net for reviews, but we still went in and try since we had already reached the place. So we ordered baked fish, Cldebal, Kang Kong and rice.Outside, it was like a small hut but inside, it was old and looked like it might collapse anytime waited for some time and our food came. It was quite disappointed on the food, other than spicy, there is nothing special in the food...even the rice is abit overcooked....After the dinner, we went down to Jonker street to walk around...sad..can't find the egg tarts there...we walked from 1 end to the other end and walked back again. Then we went down to queue for satay celup @ Capitol Satay. It is similar to Lok Lok but it was dipped in peanut sauce to cook. We had to queue for almost an hour for a table as the place is famous...finally we got our table, we went for the lok was charged by per stick, 1 stick $0.80rm. The shop staff had on the fire so strong that the sauce looked like a volcano, waiting to erupt don't reali enjoy it, don't find the peanut sauce nice too...Sy was the one enjoying it the most, well, he was looking forward to it...kekeke.....

After that, we were sooooo happy to go back to the hotel for our showers (sweaty and sticky the whole day). Qy and Sy were 'fighting' to chong the toilet to the first one to all had our bath and did our accounts for the day, Qy and Sy went to sleep first, while mi, Pw and April watched 'Drag me to hell' movie...but was unable to finish it as we were too sleepy

Day 3
Today we all woke up late...we lazed on the bed until 8 plus...April was unable to get up...kekeke...she was the last one to drag herself up for shower....(Qy was calling for her to wake up and i was pulling the 1st stop of the day, we went to Donald & Lily for breakfast. There was a man walked up to us and asked us for $5rm, he said it was for him to take care of the car....-_-" But anyway we gave him $5 to "take care" of the car while we are away. Then we just headed down to the makan place, there, we ordered nasi ayam pongteh (their special for the day), mee siam and nyonya laska. Sy was thinking to eat cendol there eating, Sy said he wanted to go inside to take a look...April commented that Sy might come back with a bowl of cendol...Qy can't hear it clearly, so she asked April what did she say...April said the same sentence again, but Qy interprets it as Sy wanted to borrow $10......Pw and mi broke into laughter.....(Joke of the day....hahaha...think Qy got problems understanding what april is
After breakfast, we went down to San Shu Gong (@ Jonker Street) to buy bians back....After shopping, we went back to hotel for check-out. After check-out, we went down to Malacca river for a short walk, where we took photos of Church of St Francis Xavier and Qy & Pw's "wedding" photo....hohoho....When we were walking back to the car park, we passed by a ice-cream shop called icily..Since we were feeling hot, we tried the ice-cream.Fresh fruits are being used to blend as ice cream......quite interesting...we bought 2 cups, and had 3 furits mixed for each cup. After the ice cream, it was our lunch time and we headed down to Bei Zhan Restaurant.....It was a very big chinese restaurant wo....there was a promotion that order 5 dishes and 1 dessert for $ we went for that promotion and ordered the dishes (chicken, soft shell crab, prawns with salted eggs, dou miao, sweet & sour pork and agar agar for dessert) was delicious, i like the soft shell crab and prawns with salted eggs...yum yum....After the delicious meal, Sy wanted to go for coconut shake but it was too far away and we don't have time we went to Jonker Street again for cendol and asaam laska...There was a jam in Jonker street, so we alighted first to find a table in Jonker 88 while Sy went to park his car. Pw and April went and queue for the cendol while i and qy went inside to find table. After awhile, Pw came looking for us, asking us whether wan to order 1st as it was going to be the their turn soon. When we had decided not to order 1st, April appeared with 5 bowls of cendol.....-_-"

Luckily we managed to get a table, but Qy and i don't eat cendol so we shared a bowl just to clear 1 bowl....hohoho...Sy wanted durian cendol, so he took 1 bowl and asked to add durian...Later Sy went and ordered laska...Qy added in the last bowl of cendo (half of it) into Sy's unfinished cendol so as to let him eat up the last bowl without his knowledge....kekeke....he certainly didn't suspect anything when he came back....
After eating, we went and walked Jonker Street again...Pw and Qy each bought something for themselves...then we had to leave to take our coach back to Singapore....sad sad...When we reached the bus counter, Pw realised that our coach actually leaves at 5.30pm instead of we ended up having another 45 mins left to pass. So we called up Sy again for kopi, anyway he had forgotten to take back his mum's hp from Pw...kekeke.....We went to Mac for drinks while waiting for him...And our April was so absent-minded...She went to buy mac ice-cream cone and she came back to the table with her change, without her ice cream. -_-".......After the last kopi session @ Mac, we said bye-bye to Sy and went to our bus...i like the coach bus (Star Express) back to Singapore...massage seat and there was much more space....
We left Malacca @ ard 5.45pm and reach tuas checkpoint ard 10 plus..there was a bit of jam....but it was still ok....finally we reached Golden Mile Complex @ ard 11 plus, and we had our dinner at the nearby food centre....After dinner, we all went home, which marked the end of our food trip.....

Hotel Stayed: Bayview Hotel

Places of Interest:
Martime Museum
Christ Church
History Museum
Statue of Zheng He
St Paul's Church
Dataran Pahlawan Mega Mall
Malacca River
Church of St Francis Xavier
Jonker Street

Makan Places:
Kok Keong Restoran
Amy's Heritage Nyonya Cuisine
San Pedro
Capitol Satay
Donald & Lily
Bei Zhan Restaurant
Jonker 88