Day 4
Elephants' Rocks |
We woke at 4 plus again today, to go to see the
75 metre high Bicentennial Tree and the valley of the giants. We had our breakfast at 6am, it was prepared by the tour guide (anyway is just cornflakes and fresh milk, tea/coffee are made using the free packets from each room.) After breakfast, we all loaded our luggage up to the bus. After everything were loaded, we all got onto the bus. The old uncle still asked my friend whether he remembered to bring his fake teeth....hohoho...joker....
First the tour guide took us to some place (don't know where), anyway he said that's where we can see wild kangaroos around. We did managed to get to see 2 or 3 kangaroos resting there.Next, we continued our journey to see the bicentennial tree. But the weather was abit wet, still wet from last night's rain, so the tour guide was against the idea of climbing the tree as it was not safe. We reached the bicentennial tree and we saw a group of students climbing up on the tree. It was a super tall tree and there were metal rods poked into the tree as a form of steps for people to climb up. There were platforms on about half the tree and at the top of the tree. It was quite an achievement if one really climb to the no one from our group climbed up the tree, only the australian guy climbed halfway on the tree. My friends and i just took photos on the early steps of the tree...kekeke....
After that, the tour guide us to a small town, where there was a cafe called Hollowart Cafe. The tour guide told us they had the best chicken pies in town. So we ordered the chicken pies, coffee and hot chocolate. The pies are super tasty but the hot chocolate sucks (just like plain water with choco flavour), the tour guide took us to Walpole and Nornalup Inlets Marine Park. But it was just like a deserted is there except water...and the tour guide also didn't tell us any information of the place. Anyway, we left for lunch after 15 mins or so. We went to Denmark Town, where we had our lunch. This time, is hamburger with last night's leftover salads and meat patty. I didn't had much as i was still full. The hamburgers were super big in size, my friends just had just went to the nearby post office and bought some stamps.
After lunch, the tour guide took us to the valley of the giants Tree Top Walk. The tour guide helped us buy the entrance tickets. Then he passed us the entrance tickets and left us to roam the tree walk. Then we just walked on our pace to the tree top. After the tree top, we walked down to see the tingles trees. There was a tingle called Grandma's tingle, it looked just like a old granny's face where you look at it. After that, the tour guide took us to green's pool to see
elephant's rocks. But the weather turn bad when we reached green's pool. The wind was blowing super hard and the rain was coming down heavily. So the tour guide told us that whoever don't want to go down can stay on the bus. So I and one of my friends went down to see the elephants' rocks. The tour guide took us down to the beach but there was a big rock we needed to climb down. So my friend backed out as he had injury on his knees, so i went ahead. But i slipped and fell down when i was climbing down the rock. I landed on my pants got wet. Later, the tour guide continued to climbed a super big rock up and the rest of the tour members too climbed up. But the water was flowing down fast and my shoes were too slippery. Luckily there was a small staircase at the other side, so i was about to climb up and continued the path up to see the elephants' rock. It was large rocks facing the beach and it looked like a herd of elephants from the back. (I sure took great lengths to see the We still went down to the beach and it was super cold.
After that, we climbed back to the bus. I was wet and there was a lot of sand on my, the tour guide brought us a small town nearby. He gave us half an hour time to go see and shop. So we just walked down the streets and see the shops. We saw a supermarket nearby and went in to shop, we had fun shopping inside. After that, we went to wait for the bus. The old uncle still bought sausages for our dinner for the day...(we were so happy, finally we had something better to After that, the tour guide took us to see the
gap and natural bridge. From the gap, we saw the big big waves crashing against the rocks. It was very amazing to see the waves crashing against the rocks. After that, we went to see the blowholes. Pity it started to rain again and the ground was wet again. And the blowholes were quite down and needed to climb rocks again. So i didn't went down but 2 of my friends went down. My other friend was 'frozen' to death...hohoho...she was so scared of the
After the blowholes, the tour guide took us to the hostel for the night. It was at
Albany, it was called Albany backpackers. So as usual, we got the room key and we were sharing with the australian guy. Then we need to help out to prepare dinner again. This time we were cooking pasta, but the sauce was going to add in beef meat. But i went to bath 1st while waiting for dinner (to avoid rush for toilet). The toilet was common use and it was shared by everyone living in the hostel. When i was bathing, the lights in the toilet went out and it was super dark inside (I was still bathing..-_-"). Luckily my friends came and looked for me in the toilet and when they opened the door, the lights came up. Anyway, i quickly finished up my bath and went out for dinner. But the tour guide didn't want to cook the sausages that the uncle had bought...sad....anyway we finished our dinner. My friends all against of taking shower the next morning, so we all agreed that we are not going to take shower the next day and just tahan until we returned to Perth hotel..hohoho.....We played monopoly deal and had potato chips to pass time as it was still to early to sleep. We played until 10 or 11 plus, before turning in for the night.
Day 5
Balancing Rock |
We woke up early today, and prepared to leave for the day. We all took turns to change our clothes and the australian guy took off all his clothes to go for a bath, leaving only his underwear on (luckily me and my friends are back facing There was a big spider hanging on top of the bed i was slept...scary....Then we all returned our room keys and went out to wait for the bus. The tour guide took us to
Desert Mounted Corps Memorial. We had climbed steps up to the top and saw the overview of Albany. After that, the tour guide bought us to a place, where he told us to walk down the path and he will be waiting for us at the end of the path. So we all walked slowly down the path to enjoy the breeze, sea and sun. After that, he brought us to buy some good coffee and passed by a rock at the side of the road which looked like a shape of a dog. After that, we went to see castle rocks. Once we reached there, the tour guide told us whoever wants to go the toilet,may do so except there was no to bring our water bottles along as it was a long long walk up to the castle rocks.
So we started our journey up, it was like hiking up the jungle. We walked super long way up to the top, just to see the balancing rock and
castle rock. Halfway through when we were still climbing up the mountain, my friend's singapore phone rang. So we were all so amazed on the good reception out in the wild...hohohoo....Instead both my friends' who had got australia's local data sim card, there was not good reception on their own we reached to the top and got to see the balancing rocks. It was a nice view down to the lands. And there was a rock with metal bars built into the rocks and you can still climb higher up to the rocks. 2 of my friends went up, even the old couple managed to climb mi and my other friends waited downstairs. Later we all took a group photo at the viewing gallery there and left. It was a long way down too, same way up, same way down. After we came down, we had our lunch. This time, we left others to prepare the food, no mood to prepare the food bread was super hard due to the cold weather..cold food for the 3rd day and i am so glad it was the last meal that we need to prepare the food and no more cold food. Our last place of visit was castle rock winery, where the owner taught us how to drink red wine. She let us try some of her products, a few even won awards for it. So we all bought 1 or 2 wines back, then we left the place. Finally it was our last stop for the whole 3 days trip and is back to Perth. We stopped at a petrol station, where i bought a pack of hot chicken and fries to share and eat....nice!!
We reached Perth around 6 plus and we returned to the same hotel we stayed in Perth. We were soo happy to return to the hotel. We took showers and rest for awhile before heading out for dinner. But most of the shops are closed, we had our dinner at the restaurant at the hotel. The food was quite nice and we were all the meal, we settled our bill and went back up to our room and ended our day.
Day 6
Kangaroos |
Today is the day to visit wildlife park and the Pinnacles Desert. It was with a day tour too which we had booked before the trip. We got ready and went down to the bakery shop opposite our hotel, bought breakfast. Then we went to the bus waiting area, there were a lot of buses, all going to Pinnacles Desert too. We got onto the bus and waited for everyone to board. All aboard and we were all set to go. The tour guide told us it was a long journey there and there was a mobile toilet at the back, which we could use for real was a group of japanese tourists with a tour guide translating what the guide was saying. And the japanese guide was talking non-stop throughout the whole journey, we can't even hear the tour guide speaking clearly. First time, we found them very annoying...We arrived at
Caversham Wildlife Park, then the park guides took us round the park. First they took us to see the kangaroos, there were a lot of kangaroos, they even got white color kangaroos...hohoho....There was one kangaroo with little joey cute....We even got to feed the kangaroos with some snacks. After that, the park guide took us to see a wormbat. It was very very big in size, it weighes 30kg of muscles and it can run very fast, regardless of its size. It is a vegetable eater too. We took turns to take photo with the wormbat. After that, the park guides took us to see the koala bears. There were 2 koala bears on the bamboo tree, one was sleeping and one was having its lunch...cute cute....We took turns to take photos with the koala bears. After the koala bears, it was time for us to leave the park, but there was other animals we yet to see.
Anyway, we had to leave the park to go the pinnacles desert. The tour guide brought us to a beach first and later we went to a lobster shack. There, we got a tour to see how the lobsters are being processed and shipped out to other countries after being caught. After that, we had lunch there, we also bought a cold lobster to try out. After lunch, the tour guide took us to the Pinnacles desert. It was a long drive ride to the desert. And the japanese guide was still talking non-stop on the bus, until we cannot take it. Finally we reached
Pinnacles Desert. We all got out and walked to the dessert. It was a big place with a lot of sands and rocks, luckily the weather was good, no rain..nice weather to walk. We had a good 1 hour time to explore the desert. Me and my friend took some the sand back...hohoho....After the desert walk, we headed to
sand dunes, where we can play sand boarding. It was inside a town, called Lancelin town. The tour guide drove us around the sand dunes, it was like roller coaster round...there was another bus infront of us too. The tour guide drove us 2 or 3 rounds the sand dunes before stopping the bus at the top. Then he took a sand board from the bus, and gave us a demo on how to glide down the sand on the board. Then he let us take the boards out and let us glide down the sand. It was fun, gliding down the sand but it was tiring climbing up the sand back..hohoho....we all had fun playing there. After that, the tour guide took us back to Lancelin town to wash up before going back to Perth.
After that, we had a long ride back to Perth. We returned back to our hotel first and rested for a while. Then we went down to have our dinner, we had japanese food for dinner. We had a full dinner and after that, we went to the mini supermarket to buy some snacks. After that, we went back to our hotel rooms to rest for the day.