Friday, December 7, 2012

LegoLand Again!!

View from our room
Went Legoland again from 24th Nov to 25th Nov. This time, mi and my friends bought tickets from Gamrket. It was a 2D1N package with coach and legoland admission included and we paid $118 for each person. We all met at the pick-up point, which was at near Ang Mo Kio MRT station. Then the bus left for Woodlands Checkpoint. There was abit of jam from Woodlands Checkpoint to JB Checkpoint, but we still managed to reach the hotel at around 4pm. The hotel we stayed was KSL Resort, it was stated as 5-star hotel but it wasn't that fantastic. The lifts are super slow, although there are 4 lifts running. We didn't managed to get connecting rooms for our stay though. Anyway, we went to the shopping mall beside the hotel and bought our movie tickets for the night - Rise of the Guardians 3D (It costs only RM$18 each, for a 3d movie).

 Then we walked around to look for some snacks, as i am started to feel hungry. We got durian puffs, which is not so nice to eat and pizza in a cone, which is nicer and ice-cream. After that, we got some taiwan snacks, which is also not so tasty. Then we went for a walk around in the mall, and back to the hotel to rest for awhile before our dinner - Chez Papa Restaurant. Later, we took cab down to the restaurant. Ohh!! It was a cozy place (looks like those European restaurants, though there are lizards sound), where they had put 3 Christmas trees inside and cute stuffed toys are hang on the trees. Then when we sat down, the waitress took their daily specials white chalk board menu and placed beside our table and placed another small size menu on our table.

Creme Brulee (Ymmy!)
We ordered Escargots, Mushroom soups, Mussels, Goose liver (Foie Gras), Codfish and Seafood Baked Rice. For the desserts, we ordered Cream Brulee and Faming banana. The mussels dish is not nice, it kind of got over-cooked. The best we liked are the Escargots, Goose meant and Cream Brulee (Yummy Yummy!). The waitress also kept forgetting our plain water, we had to ask for it 3 or 4 times. I almost died of thirst! lol....but overall, the experience is good. Will go back for the Escargots and Creme Brulee again if got the chance. ^_^
After the nice dinner, we got a cab back to our hotel and we rested while waiting for our night movie to start. We saw lightning flashing down from our hotel room, and so we spent about 15 to 20 mins standing at the window, to try taking lightning photos...hahhaa...the photo didn't work out well, but we did saw some cool lightning flashing down. After which, we went for our movie. It was a nice movie..and i enjoyed it.

Next morning came, and we went down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. It was packed with people and there wasn't any available table. We had to wait for it, luckily we managed to get hold of a table and had our breakfast. It wasn't that wahh for their breakfast...but anyway, we had and prepare to check-out the hotel and make our way down to Legoland.

Queue in LegoLand
We reached Legoland at around 10am, and we saw a super long queue of people waiting to get in. We went for the queue and we went in. We went to deposit our bags and went to look around in the lego shop.Next, we went to Lego City and went into a playground, where we played there for a while.
We took the fire engine ride, where we need to 'exercise' to make the vehicle to move and 'pump' the water out to put out the sia....Next, we walked down to Adventureland, where mi and 1 of my friend went for the water roller coaster. My other 2 friends said wanted to help us take photos, so we went to queue for the ride. When mi and my friend were on the ride, i was asking my friend y cannot see my the other 2 friends. Hahaha....We saw them only after we had done with the roller coaster ride.They 2 were so stunned that we had actually finished the ride, they had went to buy some drinks and missed our photo-taking. The ride really got mi and my friend wet, my pants was so wet when i came out of the

After that, we walked to the 4D movie, where we caught one of the lego shows - Clutch Power. It was fun sitting inside and watching it. It was also cooling inside with all the effects. hohoho.....
After that, we went in to build and test. It was a place where you can build your own car and buildings and test it out. We spent some time inside, to play with the lego and to enjoy the aircon.
Then, we walked down to the game stalls, where we played some games. My friend got an angry bird home.hohoho...Then, we went for the dragon roller coaster ride..Hahhahaha....After that, we went to have our lunch.

Singapore Flyer (Lego Form)
After lunch, we went to take the lego express train ride. We waited for awhile, and we got abit sleepy while started to drizzle too. Finally, we got aboard. It was a super bored ride, which really can make you sleep. After that, we walked down to Miniland to see their miniatures. My friends took out the 'plastic bags' raincoats and wore (really looks like having a super big plastic bags covered on them...hahaha). After walking around, we decided that to go catch another 4D show as our last stop but it was super queue when we got there. So we decided to go do our lego shopping instead. We each bought a Lego Christmas choo choo train (RM$29.90) back to play. After that, we went to wait for our bus to pick us up to go back to Singapore.

Places went:
KSL Shopping Mall
Chez Papa Restaurant

Hotel Stayed:
KSL Resort 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

LegoLand Trip

Finally, i get to travel out of Singapore again. This time, me and my friends went to Legoland which we had been saying since it is out. We managed to get everyone agreed and went for it. We had bought the coach tixs from WTS Travel for $20 (2-way) for each pax. And we got the legoland tixs from its main website for RM$105 per pax.

We gathered at the Singapore Flyer at 9.00 am, and went to the WTS agency to do our 'check-in'. It was a super small shop and there was already a super long queue of people trying to collect their tixs.
After we had collected our tixs, we went to have our breakfast. By 9.45am, we went to find our coach. We boarded the bus and waited until 10am for the bus to leave. It was quite annoying when some people is not considerate enough to settle in the coach and let the coach leave on time. There was a Japanese mother and son who were the last to board the coach. Then the mother went down to toliet, leaving the son alone in the bus and he was like only 4 or 5 years old. And he was crying for his mother after 2 mins later. Then there was another group of Philippinese, who also went down to get some drinks. So we had to wait for about 15 mins for them to return to the bus. Finally they came back, and suddenly there was a couple who went down to go to the toliets just after everyone was back. Ahh..why they can't just go earlier? Then we had to wait for another 15 mins for the couple to come back. The bus driver quickly told his colleagues that he better start driving before another says want to go toliet again. lol....

So we finally got to start our journey at around 10.30 am..and we reached Singapore customs at around 11 am. There we had to wait for the Japanese mother and son again, as they were caught in the customs. 2 coaches had left before us, and they came later than us! Then we continued our journey to JB. Finally we reached Legoland at 12 pm. We alighted and walked a distance to Legoland entrance. There were alot of people at the main entrance trying to take photo with the lego entrance. I can't even take a clear photo with no one near it. Anyway, we went and start our day inside the Legoland.

StoryBook made of Lego
All the rides we saw were at least 120 mins of waiting time. So we just walked down from the entrance to the Kingdom area and saw 2 dragons roller coasters side by side. 1 for kids and 1 for adults. My friend was targeting the bigger dragon roller coaster...hohoho..but we got hungry. So we bought some food at the kingdom area and we decided to take the dragon roller coaster as the 1st ride after meal. After meal, we went and queued for the roller coaster. We waited for at least 1 hr before our turn. It was fun and the ride was just like 1 or 2 mins. My friend was laughing all the way throughout the whole ride.hohohoo...After the ride, we shopped around at the souvenirs shop. My hands were shaking after the ride and were shaking even when i tried to pay for my wizard lego

After that, we walked down to Imagination. Along the way, there are some game stalls that you can pay to play the games to win big stuffed toys. We played a fishing game that requires to add up all the numbers and a certain number will get you a different size stuffed toy. We paid for 4 picks which cost RM$25 and it added up to 8 which got us a lion stuffed toy. It was cute... :)

Lego Towers
Then we went to queue for the lego towers, which requires to pull yourself up and let yourself down. We queued for half an hour for this. Then we walked down to the next area, which is the land of adventure. Then my friend went and buy popcorn, it was too sweet...then we went to find another ride to play, Lost Kingdom Adventure. We didn't know what the ride was but we just went to queue for it. The queue was super long and it was another half an hour queue. Until we reached the entrance, we know what the ride is. It was a ride with laser shooting,my friend got disappointed when she saw that it was not a roller coaster ride. kekeke.....

After the ride, it was almost 4 plus. So we walked down to Miniland, to see the mini buidings made of lego. We walked around it, it was a good place for photography. There were some professional photographers going around to help you take photos. We then went to the lego shop to shop shop. All the stuffs are not cheap, so we only buy 1 or 2 items. The lego mascot also came out for a walk and alot of people went up to queue to take photo with the mascot. There were also some lego displays around the whole legoland, which you can take photos with.

We then left legoland and made our way down to JPO for shopping. We took a cab down to JPO, which caused us RM$60 from legoland to JPO. Expensive ride. It started to rain heavily on the way there, it was still raining when we reached. Then we went to the food court there to eat dinner, there was a few people around..After that, we went to walk around the shops. There were nothing interested to buy too. My friend bought a coach sling bag for her hubby. Then we went to the bus stop to wait for the bus. Finally the bus came and we boarded to go to City Square. It was long journey ride, we took a nap on the bus. Then we reached City Square, my friend went and bought breads. I saw some snacks stalls..i bought chicken was nice and yummy!! Next time i will go eat again. :)

Then we made our way down to Woodlands Custom and made our way back to Singapore. That ended our day trip to Legoland. There are so many rides we didn't manage to take. Will be going back again!! :p

Friday, April 20, 2012

Nature Parks Walk - Labrador Nature Reserve

Labrador Nature Park
11th Feb 2012 - Went to Labrador Park today with my friend. We met at Labrador MRT station and had BK breakfast. Then we started off our morning walk, we walked from the mrt station but we still need to walk a long distance up to the park entrance. It was super hot too and we were starting to sweat.

After about half an hour or more, we managed to reach the park's entrance. We walked around the park, there are war relics left behind during the WWII and some information on WWII too. I wanted to go to the secret tunnels left behind during WWII times but it was closed for maintenance. Such a pity. We walked through the nature paths to get around the park.

Later we walked along the sea coast, which we can see the dragon's gate stone, Yatch Club and the beautiful condos built there. So we just walked along the path and back to Harbourfront Station. We did saw a big lizard (didn't managed to take a photot of it cos it was hiding inside the bushes) when we were out to the

Nevertheless, it was a nice walk although it was hot. But you should try it some day, go around Singapore's Nature Parks and walk around, enjoy the nature, views and you may find surprises too.

Click here for the complete walking trail from National Parks, Singapore

Saturday, February 18, 2012

A Living Legend - Song Dynasty

24th Feb 2012 - Went to Expo to see the animated moving painting, 清明上河图. It was a famous painting from the Song Dynasty by a painter named Zhang Ze Duan. The painting was drawn to show the everyday life of the people during the Song Dynasty. The painting was magnified 30 times its original size, immersing in 128m x 6.5m of living art and animation was added to the characters and objects in the painting, about thousands of it. It's like bringing life out of the painting. It can even change from day time to night time.

There are 5 mini-section to show the different life and objects, using the 5 elements as the centre (Fire, Wood, Earth, Gold and Water) in the Pre-Hall. It was quite boring but still it is educational...then after, came to a main hall, with the drawing displayed inside (which is the main objective of the Audio guide was also provided to guide you through the whole exhibit. It was magnificent to see a drawing that big and can actually see animation on it (Not so bad)...The only bad thing is why the admission is so expensive...$20 for a adult (without any discount). Don't

Anyway, it is my first to see a painting that big and with animation too..Quite an experience and will remember it....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Wicked Musical, SIngapore

28th Jan 2012: Went to watch Wicked Musical in Marina Bay Sands (MBS), Grand Theater with my friends. We had purchased the $151 category tickets (including booking fees). It was a awards-winning musical and it was very popular in other countries. It is a play about the 2 witches in the Wizard of Oz before Dorothy dropped in Oz land. The play was also telling how the 2 witches met each other and become best friends and falling in love with the same guy and how they fell out with each other. There was also a mech dragon built on the stage, i was expected it to be used often but was disappointed when it was only operated 2 times throughout the whole play.The conversation between the characters was also quite funny in the play.

Read Wicked synopis

But I prefer Lion King Musical more than Wicked Musical, as Lion king used more props whereas Wicked used more lighting effects. And i also prefer the music in Lion King over Wicked...but it is still worth watching....hehehe....