Sunday, July 15, 2018

Yehilu 野柳 & Ruifang 瑞芳, Taiwan (Day 6)

18th May 2018, Friday

Ah Zhu Mee Sua
Today, we are going quite a few places as recommended by Mr Zhu as we decided to engage his service again. When we met up with Mr Zhu, he told us to go have our breakfast at the famous Ah Zhu Mee Sua shop which is already open for business. So S walked us to the shop and we bought  4 small bowls of it. But i still find the size of small bowl big, it was quite nice to eat and there were pig's intestines inside.

After the wonderful breakfast, Mr Zhu drove us to Yehliu, where the Queen's head resides. He first dropped us at Wanli Distinct where we could see the great sea. We stayed around for 15 mins with toilet break and some photos taking.

Sea View

After that, Mr Zhu drove us to the entrance of Yehliu distrinct before we go to Yehliu GeoPark. Along the way, Mr Zhu kept telling us he will bring us to eat live seafood which will be better than the one we went the previous day. He told us to go take photos on the rocks which were created naturally and the rocks were very smooth and white. One of the rocks at the top was called "Camel's Humps" as it looks like there were two humps similar to a camel's humps.

Camel's Humps

Then Mr Zhu drove us to the entrance of Yehliu GeoPark and we went to buy our tickets. He gave us a short introduction on the naturally created stones and recommended us the must-see rocks in the park too. When we went in the park, there are a lot of people around and it was very sunny too. There were different forms of the stones and rocks to see. However, we kept walking to find the main attraction, which is the Queen's head. There was even a long queue line-up for photo taking, there was even a security guard monitoring and a line was surrounded the rock to prevent the public from touch the rock. It was mentioned that there was a crack line along the Queen's neck and it was rumoured that the head will be dropping soon. That is why a man-made replica on the Queen's head was built as a substitution. We walked around the park to see other rocks such as "The Slipper", "Mushroom Stones" and "Elephants". There were some tourists who just don't know how to behave in the park. They tried to climb up the rocks just to take photos and had to be shouted by the guards to get them down and not spoil the natural rocks.

Queen's Head

The Slipper

Mushroom Stones

By the time we finished the park visiting, it was almost lunch time. As promised, Mr Zhu brought us to the live seafood restaurant located opposite the park. It was very crowded when we arrived there, most of the guests were in big groups. So we made our order first and Mr Zhu helped us to get the staffs to find us a table, which took a while before we had our table. Finally, we got our table and i was already hungry. When the first dish (which was live abalone) arrived, we were kind of surprised because the abalone were still alive. I even asked S whether we had to eat the abalone live...hahaha....Luckily we don't need, however, we had to witness the cooking of the abalones over the heated plate. The abalones were even jumping over the heat while cooking. After the abalones were cooked, we tried was yummy with the freshness...(finally found something nice to remember there). But Ss don't dare to try it. We even ordered another plate of was also very cheap as it costs around $3 plus for one piece. The fried fish was not quite nice as the fried skin was quite separated from the meat. But the meal was quite good as compared to the one we had on the previous day.

Live Seafood to choose

Wan Li Crabs

Live Abalones

Fried Prawns

Fried Omelette

Fried Fish

 After the nice lunch, we headed out to Ruifang where Mr Zhu wanted to bring us to see Shi Fen Waterfall. When we reached there, we went for a toilet break in a cafe. There, we saw red mangoes inside a box and Mr Zhu was telling us that the mangoes were sweet. Then he just bought two manages and treated us. Ss said she don't want to walk to see the waterfall as she was tired, so she stayed in the cafe and Mr Zhu told the staff to help him look out for Ss while he brought us up to see the waterfall... So we went ahead with the hike, there were many tourists there too and there was a suspension bridge to the waterfall. It took us around 15 mins or so to reach the waterfall and we spent another 15 mins to take photos there.

Suspension Bridge

Shi Fen Waterfall

After that, Mr Zhu brought us to Shi Fen to light sky lanterns. There were a lot of tourists there too and there was a heavy jam towards the entrance to Shi Fen. However, Mr Zhu drove through another shortcut to get into Shi Fen. When we reached, he took us to the very first-started up sky lantern shop where we bought a 4-colours lantern. There were around 9 colours (Red, Yellow, Blue, Purple, White, Orange, Green, Magenta and Pink) with different meanings. We were instructed to draw our blessings on every side of the lanterns with the ink brushes provided. When we were drawing, there was train coming and there were shouting from the shops owners to warn the tourists to get off the railway track. After the train passed, everyone was back on the tracks again.

Colours to choose for

Sky Lantern Shop

Our drawings

Coming Train

After we are done with the drawings and writings, the lantern was set to light off. The shop staff just took our lantern and told us to each hold the corners of the lantern. So there was like a standard procedure where the staff told us to do different poses with each side of the lantern. After the photos taking was done, he lighted up the lantern and told us to let go when he finished counting 1,2,3. Our lantern flew up in the sky when we let go though we won't know where it will fly to.

Up up and Away!!

After that, we went walking along the shops and did a little shopping when Mr Zhu told us he going to buy a famous snack near the train station. It was BBQ chicken wing stuffed with rice. He wanted to buy more but we told him to buy just one and we will share it.. In the end, he still bought 2 of it which mi and S ate it. It was quite nice and filling because of the rice inside....Feeling full the whole day...hahaa....Kt was not feeling well so we were deciding whether to go back hotel or continue going to Jiu Fen. Eventually, we decided to proceed on to Jiu Fen, Mr Zhu brought us to go up a world war ruin building. There, Mr Zhu showed us the Gorilla Mountain (which looks like a big sitting gorilla) and the Yin Yang Sea (where there were two colours in the sea).

BBQ Chicken Wing Stuffed with Rice

Yin Yang Sea

Golden Waterfall

When we were done, Mr Zhu brought us to see the Golden Waterfall where we spent some time to take photos. After that, we went to Jiu Fen where Mr Zhu told us to drop him a message when we were done with our shopping. There were many tourists there too and it was very squeezy on the single road (it was the only road in and out). There were shops selling food and souvenirs where i also bought some customised stamps. We just walked along the road without trying any of the food there too as was still feeling full. Also, tried looking for the egg puddings but with no avail. After walking around an hour and it was getting dark, we got Mr Zhu to drive us back to the hotel.


Narrow Road
BBQ Mushrooms

When we reached back to the hotel, we took a while to rest before deciding to go to Shilin. We eventually took the train to Shilin market and S brought us to try herbal soups with pork and chicken. The soup was yummy...we finished all of it.....hahahaa....After that, we went walking the market and even went playing with the capsule machines. By then, it was quite late and we went back to the hotel....So tired after a long day....

Herbal Soups

Capsule Machines

Ji Dao Gao

Places Visited:
Wanli Distinct
Yehliu GeoPark
Shi Fen Waterfall
Shi Fen
Gorilla Mountain
Yin Yang Sea
Golden Waterfall
Jiu Fen
Shilin Market

Hotel Stayed:
VIA Hotel

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Jiaoxi 礁溪, Taiwan Trip (Day 5)

17th May 2018, Thursday

Wu Feng Qing Waterfall
Today, we have to move to Taipei and since we had bought a lot of stuffs, we decided to hire Mr Zhu's service to drive us up to Taipei. So we had our breakfast provided by the hotel and got ready. Mr Zhu arrived early to pick us up too, and he recommended some attractions to bring us for the day before we headed up to Taipei. First, he brought us to visit Wu Feng Qi waterfall and let us walked up to see the waterfall. There were three levels which visitors can climb up to view the waterfall at different sections. However, the first section is closed off for maintenance. There were a lot of steps which we had to climb up. Then we walked to visit the church on top and i was already starting to sweat. It was sooo hot.....After that, we walked back down the mountain and Mr Zhu drove us to another hiking trail (草湳湖周邊步道).

It was a long hiking trail and it leads to another trail name - Linmei Shipan Trail. So Mr Zhu told us that he will pick us up once we are done with the hiking. Then we went ahead and started hiking. Of course, we also didn't fail to forget to turn on our pokemon go app to clock the distance for the eggs. It was quite a long long hike as it took us about 30 mins out to reach the start of the Linmei Shipan Trail. Then it was another an hour or so trail to complete the full trail, the road was quite okay to walk and there was stairs too. There was a metal bridge leading the way up to the valley, which of cos had around 100 plus steps up. It was really quite nice to do a hike in the morning and sweated it out.

Linmei Shipan Trail Entrance

Logs Display

Metal Bridge

Seafood Market

Live Seafood

Live Clams

After the hike, we walked back to the starting point of the 1st trail and messaged Mr Zhu to come pick us up. While waiting, i bought a bag of oranges from the roadside stalls (In the end, the oranges travelled back with us to SG...hahaha). Then Mr Zhu offered to bring us to the harbour where we can pick live seafood and have lunch. He told us it was one of the popular harbours where the boatmen will go out to the sea and bring back the fishes to sell and he had brought many of his customers there to eat the seafood. When we reached there, Mr Zhu told us it was quite different as the boatmen no long selling the live seafood at the harbour. There was a enclosed market where there were seafood stalls owned by the boatmen. However, it was quite a disappointment when we can't see much of the live seafood. But we still settled for one of the stalls for lunch. Mr Zhu helped us to order the dishes, which we had fried noodles, fried rice, prawns, fried fish, clams and veggies.

Fried Noodles & Fried Rice

Fried Fish


The portions were big for everyone to share, but when we KT and Ss took their first bite on the fried rice, they found it to be sour. After S tried, she asked Mr Zhu and he confronted the stall owners after he tried it. He told them that the ingredients used had turned bad but the stall owners said it was due to the spring onion and it was not bad. However, Mr Zhu had become quite upset about it. The stall owner offered to cook us another plate, but Mr Zhu rejected it. We continued to eat the rest of the dishes, luckily they were not bad but i don't find it tasty.  When we were about to leave, Ss went to buy drink, however she was having trouble understanding the stall owner. So S went over and check it out. After that, Ss told us that she did not understand what the stall auntie wants. She was asking how much was the coke and tried to pay her with $10 but the stall auntie rejected it. Then she tried to give a bigger amount, still the stall auntie rejected it. She can't get what the auntie wants. And, S said she did not hear what the auntie wants and just paid the drink in small change...It was so funny,,,,

Mr Brown's Cafe (Castle 1)

Afternoon Drinks


Mr Brown's Cafe (Castle 2)

After the lunch, we left but we can see Mr Zhu was very upset as he kept scolding the stall owners as not being honest to tourists and to locals. As we were walking back to the cab, we heard the stall owners from other stall starting to quarrel over something. When we got on the cab, Mr Zhu was still scolding the stall owners along the road. We went to Mr Brown's cafe which is on top of a mountain and the cafe was in a castle. There were quite a lot of visitors there when we reached the cafe and it was quite packed. Mr Zhu offered to help us get a table while we go buy our drinks. I got a hot chocolate as usual and it was quite nice to drink in the afternoon. Mr Zhu also showed us his photos with his customers and the places he brought them. Again, he scolded the seafood stall owners. But he told us he will bring us to another live seafood place where we can eat fresh seafood. After the drinks, we went out to explore the area where we took photos with the castle and the windmill. Mr Zhu took us to the 2nd castle, which was further up in the mountain and there were lesser people around. Mr Zhu told us that the 2nd castle was built due to the expansion of the business.

Turtle Island afar

Wanai Beach

Lanyang Museum

After that, we went to Wanai bench where the sand were black in color. We took a walk to the sea but there wasn't much wind, so it was quite hot too. There were also a few of bubbles fishes dead on the beach. From the beach we could also see the turtles island (it was named as turtles island as the shape of the island looks like a giant turtle). We spent there around 15 mins or so, we left and Mr Zhu drove us to our last destination of the day which is Lanyang Museum. It was famous for the unique design of the museum. However, Mr Zhu got a bit lost and had us alighted at the far back of the museum. So we just took some photos there.  After that, we were on the road to go to Taipei. We reached our hotel in taipei around 5 plus. We thanked Mr Zhu for his service and went up to our hotel. It was hidden inside the alley.

Mala Steamboat
Stay Real Cafe


We went up to our hotel room respectively and set to leave for dinner at around 6.30 pm. After resting for a while, we went to the mala steamboat place to check out if there is any table available. Luckily, there were tables available, so we went ahead to have our dinner there. The steamboat was still keeping their standard and the mango was sweet and juicy. Stomach got heavier after the diner. After that, we headed down to StayReal Cafe. By the time we reached the cafe, it was almost 9 am plus. So we went in for a drink as we were very full for any cakes. But the cakes do look cute and yummy. We stayed for an hour and we headed back to Ximending as it was getting late. As usual, Ximending was crowded with people. We went abit of walking around, i also went searching to buy stamps till late as i had to ask about 4 or 5 7-11 shops (keep getting out of stocks). By the time i went back to the hotel, it was already almost midnight.

Places Visited:
Wu Feng Qi waterfall
Linmei Shipan Trail
Mr Brown's Cafe
Wanai Beach

Hotel Stayed:
VIA Hotel