Sunday, October 27, 2019

Last Day in Hokkaido (Day 15)

25th May 2019, Saturday

Time flew fast when we were having fun and yes, today was the last day of our holidays. We packed our goodies into our luggage and went down to check out the hotel once we were ready to leave. We left our luggage with the hotel and tried to query if there was any shabu shabu restaurants which are opened early. So the staff recommended us one restaurant named Sayabu Syabu Monster nearby the hotel which we could have shabu shabu before we fly (cannot get over with the one last night..haha). So we headed out the the shabu place and we took some time to find the shabu restaurant. Anyway, the restaurant was not opened for business yet, so we went down to shop around and played some games in the arcade.

Meats Selection Section

Vegetables Selection Section

Our Soup Base
After that, we headed back to the restaurant to have our shabu shabu. The place was quite big and we took a promotion which was quite cheap for us. We had the free flow of meats, veggies and the drinks. So we had our yummy time there and we took our time to eat even though there was a time limit for the shabu shabu. After the shabu shabu, we went down to buy some seaweed and cheese snacks from a local supermarket and went back to the hotel. We decided to leave slightly early to return the car so that we got enough time and won't have to rush too much. We reached the car rental car company quite ahead of our flight time and parked to return the car. When the staff did a check on the car, they questioned us on the scratches on the side of the car. We tried to explain we did had a minor accident during our stay in Lake Toya and they were definitely not happy about it. The guy who attended to us was kind of like scolding us as in why we did not make a report on the day of the accident as now they had to pay the damage themselves and unable to claim from the insurance company with no report. He was saying that they had made it clear to us that we had to make a report for any accidents on the day we collected the car. But we had no recollection that they had told us on the first day. We tried to explain that they can check with the hotel staff and she had not told us to make a report even though she had witnessed the accident. After some time, the guy introduced the guy standing beside him as his manager and it was agreed by the manage to waive off the maximum damage charge imposed (it was like $1k or $2k sgd at that time). But he told us we will have to pay for the non-operation charges and the expressway tow charges. I was glad i don't have to pay so much for the damage but i was kind of affected by the matter.

After all that, we paid the charges and waited for their shuttle bus to pick us to go to the airport. When we reached the airport, there were many shops in the airport and of course, there was a pokemon center. We checked out the shops and there were still so many stuffs that we could buy back. There were daisy products, desserts, toys, whole honey dews and many more. I bought the pikachu keychains with the pilot costume of New Chitose Airport. We had cheesecake, tart and ice-cream in LeTao and i had a chat with a Japanese lady who was waiting for her flight to Osaka to visit her new-born grand-daughter. But we were not able to get the pudding we had in Otaru's branch. After that, we checked in our luggage and went around the shops again. I saw Donburi Chaya restaurant in one of the levels and decided we had our dinner there cos it was not expensive and full of ingredients.

LeTao Latte & Ice-cream


Giant Royce' Chocolates
After dinner, we made our way to the boarding gate and waited for our flight back to Tokyo where we will have to transit on another flight back to Singapore. With this, my hokkaido holidays was over but i will definitely try to go back again. It was really a nice place with plenty of food and places to eat and visit.

Places visited:
Sayabu Syabu Monster (Address: 2-15-1, Minami three Jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-shi, Hokkaido, 060-0063)
New Chitose Airport

Hotel Stayed:
Hotel Vista Sapporo Odori

Sapporo, Hokkaido Trip (Day 14)

24th May 2019, Friday

Today, we woke up slightly late but my friend did not want to get off the bed. So i went out on my own and headed to Nijio Market which was walking distance from our hotel. The market was quieter as compared to the one we went in Hokodate and there were not many visitors it seems. There were seafood stalls selling giant crabs and scallops and there were also many seafood restaurants in the alleys. I just walked around to see what interesting seafood they offer and find my breakfast there. I came across a seafood restaurant which had their seafood dishes on display which looked yummy. The restaurant name was Donburi Chaya and there was not much diners in the place. So i got a bar table seat and ordered a salmon rice bowl. I was so happy when the rice bowl came full with raw salmon. The salmon were so fresh and sweet.

Donburi Chaya Shop Entrance

Salmon Rice Bowl

One of the stalls


After eating, i walked around the market for some time until my friend messaged me to meet up for lunch later. So i bought a box of honey dew for 400/500 yen and walked through Tanukikoji Shopping Street back to the hotel to meet up with my friend. But i still went to check out some of the shops while walking back to the hotel as my friend told me to take my time to walk back. When i reached back the hotel, my friend was still getting ready so i ate the honey dew and left some for her. After she was ready, we went out shopping again but before we headed out, we told the hotel staff to help us make a reservation at the popular shabu shabu restaurant, Onyasai Shabu Shabu. But she told us the restaurant was closed after lunch and there was no one picking up the call. So she told us to come back to her again at 5pm so that she can help us to make the reservation again. But we did not want to as we will be out on the streets. We shopped in the building where there were toys shops inside and spent a very long time that, we went looking for lunch and went to a small eating place for a quick lunch. We ordered a rice set to share as i was quite full from my salmon rice bowl earlier.

Bowling Alleys

After lunch, we decided to take the tram to visit the Nakajima Park. When we alighted and walked towards the park, we were drawn by the coffee smell coming out from a cafe named Marumi Coffee Stand located opposite the park. It was a cozy cafe with not many customers in it and we ordered waffles, hot chocolate and coffee for our snacks. The waffles looked yummy and were quite crispy. After that, we visited Nakajima Park and walked towards a shrine inside but it looked closed. So we just walked around the area and we saw some big stones which looked they were some memorials for some honourable people. After that, we walked further away from the park and came upon a huge pedestrians bridge. It was a bridge built in commemoration of Sapporo-Poland country relationship. We were blown away by the big river behind it and stayed around to take some photos. There were some kids doing bbqs and we could smell the nice bbq seafood from it.


Tea break

Memorial Stone

More Memorial Stones


Sapporo-Poland Commemoration Bridge

River behind the bridge
After spending some relax time there, we decided to head down to Mount Moiwa to see the sunset up there. So we went to the nearest tram stop and took the tram to the Mount Moiwa shuttle bus stop. We had to catch the shuttle bus up to the ropeway station, where we bought the tickets to the ropeway and cable car to go up to the peak. First, we had to take the ropeway up to the half way point and then transferred to the cable car which brought us up to the peak. There were many people going up too and the view was beautiful. Interestingly, there was a bell in the middle called satellite of lover's sanctuary. It was a blessing for all lovers to have the joy and start their families happily. We spent some time taking photos of the view but it was still early for sunset. So we went walking around in the cafe and other areas and waited till it was sunset time. The sunset was quite late, almost to 7 pm and the crowd was like double of the people in the afternoon. Everyone was trying to get a nice view of the city with the lights.

Shuttle Bus Stop

Mount Moiwa Mascot

Cable Car

Ropeway Tunnel

View from the peak

Satellite of lover's sanctuary

Small Temple
We were no exception, trying to find a spot to take the beautiful view we saw as our memory. After that, we headed back to the cable car and ropeway to go down the mountain and back to the city. By the time we reached back to the city, it was almost to 9 pm and i didn't see the buildings' lights until today. We decided to find Onyasai Shabu Shabu which was the nearest to our hotel and we were hoping we could get a table for walk-in. However, we were disappointed when the staff told us they were fully packed and there was no table available for us. We could smell the soup  from the door and it smelled really good. So we kept asking the staff if she could find us a table (not sure how much she could understand us). But she did managed to tell us she will help us to book a table in another branch which was some distance away from their branch (we also forgot to confirm the location of the other branch with her before we headed off). So we were so happy and headed off to the other branch after we thanked her. We walked for around 15 mins to the other branch and took us a while to find the place as it was located in the basement of some building. We had made use of google map to help us navigate to the other branch.

Sunset view

Night view

Shopping street

Onyasai Shabu Shabu
When we reached there, we tried to explain to the staffs that we had made reservation through a staff from another branch. But they insisted there was no reservation made and we even double-confirmed if we were at the right restaurant. What so funny was, they insisted the restaurant name was correct but they had no connection with the other branch. It sounded like they were under the same restaurant but the people don't know each other from whichever branch (I will expect the managers would know each other). Anyway, we tried our very best to tell them our situation and they also tried their very best to explain to us there was no table for us. In the end, there was a guy who seemed to have higher authority came and explained to us through google translation that they had run out of veggies and left only with rice. So we had no choice but to leave the place disappointed.

After that, we walked back to the hotel area and see if we could get dinner around there but we saw most of the restaurants were closing or already closed. So we headed to Meshiba Ookami to have our dinner there. This time, we sat down and dined in. There was a young lady who spoke fluent English with us and even recommended their hamburg steak. However, their ordering system also so complicated. First, she told us we had to order one drink for both of us and so we ordered a coke each. Next, when my friend wanted to order the salmon buffet alone, she told us two of us have to order if we wanted this. But i wasn't into salmon so my friend was not able to order that. So i ordered a pork belly rice and she ordered the hamburg steak as recommended by the staff. And also, we ordered five pieces of their chicken wings and we waited for our food. It really took long time for the chicken wings to even reach our table. Plus besides us were two ladies going crazy with the smoking and the drinking and they were eating a mountain of cooked bean sprouts. I think we waited for another half or 45 mins before they served my pork belly rice bowl. Then 15 mins or so passed, we asked for the hamburg steak. The same lady who took our orders told us the kitchen was still preparing the food and said sorry to us for the delay. But she told us it would be ready in another 15 mins' time. So we waited, again 15 mins or so passed. So we asked for the steak again. This time, it was another lady to attend to us. She said the same thing to us that the kitchen was still preparing the steak and will be ready soon. But by then, my friend was quite pissed off so she was pressing her how long more we had to wait. But the lady was not able to tell us how long more we had to wait and kept saying it's coming out soon.



Pork Belly Rice Bowl

Chicken Wings
We let her off as she said she will check with the kitchen. However, she did not come back to us and we waited until past midnight, the steak was still not delivered to us. My friend got really angry and asked for a cancellation. But this time, a young lad came to us and did not know how to communicate with us in English. So my friend took her phone out and used google translation to show him her intentions. After some time, the guy went back to the other lady who attended us earlier and asked us what we want (guess the guy did not understand us at all). So my friend told her we wanted to cancel the steak order as it was taking too long. But she told us we can't cancel the order as the kitchen had already preparing the food. It was so ridiculous, they had prepare the food like 2 hours earlier and it didn't arrive to our table. Anyway, the lady went back to the back and started to talk to the other staffs behind like having discussion. She later came back to us and said we could cancel the steak (which was a relief to me). So we paid for the food we ate and went back to the hotel to rest for the day after the drama.

Places visited:
Nijio Market
Donburi Chaya (Address: Japan, 〒060-0053 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 3 Johigashi, 1 Chome−7)
Marumi Coffee Stand (Address: KC Maple Court 1F, Minami 14-jo Nishi 6-chome, Chuo-ku, Sapporo 札幌市中央区南14条6丁目KC MAPLE COURT一楼)
Nakajima Park
Mount Moiwa

Hotel Stayed:
Hotel Vista Sapporo Odori

Complete Photo Album: Click here

Otaru, Hokkaido Trip (Day 13)

23th May 2019, Thursday

Today, we woke up early and got ready to drive ourselves to Otaru which is quite nearby to Sapporo. We ate maki and strawberries which we bought yesterday before we headed out. It  was about 1 hour drive and we had driven onto route 5 expressway. We stopped at a games store (didn't see any game stores throughout our holidays) and had a toilet break. And, of course to shop around the games stores to see if there are any console games which i could buy back. There are plenty of games for different consoles, anime and movies VCDs/DVDs plus music soundtracks. There are some recent games selling at quite cheap prices as compared to buying in Singapore. I spent quite a long time trying to pick the games to buy and buying for my brother some ps4 games.

PS4 Games

Nintendo Switch Games
After buying the games, we finally left the game store and looked for our lunch. My friend googled a popular seafood restaurant named Aotsuka Shokudo which was located near to the Otaru Aquarium. So we decided to drive there to have some seafood as Otaru is located near the sea too (Seafood must be fresh and good.. ^_^). The restaurant was quite towards the end of the town but it was accessible by car. We parked the car at some empty lot beside the restaurant and went to the restaurant. There was another seafood restaurant beside the one we wanted to go and we got a bit confused as the restaurant's name was in Japanese. We were guessing if which one was the one we were looking. So my friend went and asked some guys standing in front of the second restaurant to confirm the restaurant's name.

Correct Restaurant
There wasn't much customers dining there as it was already 3 plus in the afternoon. Luckily the menu had English translation on it, so we were able to order. Of course, we also asked for recommendation from the staff. She was able to understand slightly and able to recommend us some of their popular dishes. We ordered raw salmon, seafood don, grilled fish and grilled scallops. The seafood was really fresh and yummy and while we were eating, it suddenly to rain heavily. So we took our time to enjoy our yummy lunch. There were a few customers who came to have their lunch too, an elderly couple came and ordered their giant crabs. It looked so great. We were lucky that the rain stopped by the time we had finished our lunch. So we thanked and paid for our lunch and went out for a walk.

Raw Salmon

Seafood Don

Grilled Fish

Grilled Scallops
We walked up a hill behind to see the Hiyoriyama lighthouse above but it was not operational. But from the height we climbed up to, we could see the coast of Otaru port and the sea animals in Otaru Aquarium. There was a house located up the hill when we climbed up but we didn't went in the house to visit as it looked closed and required some entrance fee to enter. However, there were some antique equipment outside the yard.

Antique House

Otaru Aquarium

Coast of Otaru

Hiyoriyama lighthouse
After that, we drove down to the town centre and walked past Otaru Canal. And of course, we walked around the area which passed by some of their historic buildings in Otaru Historic Scenic District. Some of the shops were still in operational since they were built in the 1900s. There were many shops along the street and a lot of goodies to buy, be it snacks, anime stuffs, gifts, chocolate. The famous LeTao shop was also located there and with a mini cafe in it. A lot of people were packed inside the shop to grab their famous cookies to bring home. We are not any exception too, my friend had been thinking to grab their cookies on the whole trip and she was already busy grabbing what she had already planned to buy. For me, i don't know about this brand but still, i bought a box back for sharing too (not cheap leh)...hehee...then we went and kaypo what desserts they are selling in their cafe. I saw they were selling their milk pudding as their limited item and wanted to get one to try. So my friend went and bought an ice-cream and pudding. Their pudding was really smooth and yummy!! i finished it in no time before my friend even knew it (She only managed to have one bite to try...i ate the whole pudding while she was busy talking...hahahaa! We should have bought more back). However, we did bought a slide of their cheesecake and tart back. There was a chocolate shop owned by LeTao opposite the main shop.

Otaru Canal

The Former Takasaburo Natori Store

The Former Motosaburo Kaneko Store

Desserts available in LeTao

Ice-cream & Pudding

Otaru Beer
After that, we walked a bit longer on the alley but we could see there were some shops preparing to close as it was already past 5 pm and their closing hours was at 6 pm. As it was also getting dark soon, we made our way slower to our car. But it was a pity we can't stay long in Otaru, there are still so many food to try and places to see. Next time, we will definitely come back again. With that, we drove back to Sapporo and went back to the hotel to put our goodies. We went back to Meshiba Ookami to take away some chicken wings but this time, the staffs told us they do not allow for take-aways which was so weird. But we did not bother to pursue further, so we just left.

After that, we went to have some sushi at a restaurant (Sai Kaku) instead as recommended by the hotel staff. We ordered a sushi platter with 11 different kinds of sushi as my friend wasn't hungry. The sushi chief saw us trying to cut the sushi into half so that we each can have a bite on the different sushi. He took our plate and helped us to cut each of the sushi into half and passed it back to us. We were taken by surprise that he actually helped us to cut...hahaha. However, the sushi were nice and we thanked the chief for the food. Then, we went to a nearby shopping building mall to see what shops do they have. I was happy when i saw the shops were all selling anime toys, game cards and video games but the shops were closing as it was late. So we decided to come back again tomorrow and headed back to the hotel to rest for the day.

Sai Kaku

Sushi Platter

Places visited:
Aotsuka Shokudo (Address: 3 Chome-210 Shukutsu, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0047, Japan)
Hiyoriyama Lighthouse
Otaru Canal
Otaru Historic Scenic District
Sai Kaku (Address: Japan, 〒060-0063 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, 南3条西4丁目 TOSHO3.4 B.L.D)

Hotel Stayed:
Hotel Vista Sapporo Odori