Sunday, January 13, 2013

Si Chuan, China Trip 2012 - Part 6

Day 7 - 23rd Dec 2012
Bao Shu Tang
Today we woke up slightly late and prepared for the day. left our luggage outside the room and went down for breakfast and slowly eat until it is time to board the bus. It was about a 2 hr ride from ErMei back to Chengdu.
First stop, we went to Bao Shu Tang, a place where they sell....dun know what they sell. Got mediated plasters for aches, cream for face and herbal drink. We were brought in a room, where there was a guy and  he started to promote all their products. He also let us try some for testing...After his 'speech', they started to see who wants to buy..then after that, we left for the next stop - Pearl Jewellery Outlet. It was a short distance to the pearl outlet. When we reached, there was a lady explaining how the pearl was taken out and was made into jewellery. After the explanation, she brought us to see their finished products for sale. She even took 1 pearl necklace out and put on one of the ladies in our group. Later then, is shopping time again. The boss even came out and gave us his offers. There was a cream made using pearl and ginseng/lingzhi. He was giving his offer, buy 1 box of 6, free another box and free another 2 very attracting o....hohohohho....Some of them shared the cost and bought back..from the boss, we also got to know that our tour guide is the top 3 best tour guide ranking. Then we went to another room, where they are selling pearls jewellery (taken from sea)..more expensive...the lady who was still wearing the pearl necklace was deciding with her husband whether to buy it..hohoho..She tried to negotiate the price with the boss. The boss asked her what is the price she wants,  一口价 $3000 sgd..the boss said ok to her wo and even threw in a ring and earrings to make it a set. Her husband was 'sweating' the payment, the boss took out another more expensive necklace and tried to persuade her to get it too.. for a price of $6000 sgd and even  throw in a ring and earring to make it a set. He even told her if she gets this, he will refund her the $3000 she paid for the earlier set, so to make it a free set (this is how they make business...hohoho...). She decided not to get the 2nd offer doesn't sound worth. There was another family who also bought a nice necklace back..The husband was also getting 'worried' on the price..hahaha..It was funny to see all the husbands when the wives are shopping for jewellery..The rest of us were just walking around the shop to pass time..and we were getting very hungry as it was near to lunchtime. My friend and me went on to the bus to wait for the rest. The 2 kids and the grandparents of another family were on the bus too. Wah...the older kid actually shouted vulgarities at his grandma and the younger one followed...The grandma was also complaining to us that the 2 kids scolded her for eating their mum's snacks and the 2 kids were just kept shouting at the grandma...Kids these days.....

Lunch Place
Finally, all came out and we were off for our lunch. It was a feast of herbal dishes, which the tour guide told us it was actually dishes made in palace for the royals and it was later passed down the generations. We reached the restaurant and started our lunch, there was a small wine too for drinking or you can pour into their chicken herbal soup to drink. The wine has a super strong taste sia...don't like..anyway the waitress spilled mine on the table when she was putting the dishes on the table. The sweet and sour pork was nice....gone very food was nice in this place...After lunch, we made our way down to Huanhuaxi Garden, where there is a path that Chinese poems are printed on the ground (诗歌大道). But it was a Sunday..the garden was packed with people when we arrived..and the tour guide still asked us to pick a poem to recite when we come back to the we just walked around the garden to pass the time...and bought ice cream to eat before getting back on the bus. After that, we made our way to JinLi Alley for shopping. During the journey, the tour guide really got a person from every family to recite a poem. My friend went to recite..kekeke...

JinLi Alley Entrance

We arrived at JinLi Alley and the tour guide let us to walk around the place for shopping. So we just walked around the alley and see see...there are people standing there to help you wax your ears too..kekeke..There was a panda house, selling panda stuffs too...and there was a area selling snacks, there was restaurants and pubs there too. We saw a guy eating chicken wings and he just throw the bone on the ground. Even when we saw him again at Liu Xiang's tomb, he also throw the bone in front of the tomb...wah piangz...cannot find a dustbin to throw de leh...After walking for some time and was crowded with people, we walked towards to the entrance and waited for the tour guide to fetch us. The tour guides came and fetched us all at around 6 plus, then they brought us to our dinner place. It was a beautiful place, we even had the original mala tofqu and gong bao ji ding. After the dinner, we went for SiChuan Opera...We were seated in the 1st row and not allowed to take photos or videos...(but we bought their DVD to keep). There were a few short plays in the whole performance. First to start of was the brotherhood of the 3 brothers (Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei) from the Three Kingdoms. Followed by the battle of Liu Bei, then followed by a performance of Liu Bei with Sun Shang Xiang. Then it was a puppet show, showing He Xian Gu admiring the lives of the humans. After that, it was a performance of hand shadowing, showing animals and humans from was interesting...Next was a comedy of a wife punishing her husband from getting home late after gambling. It was funny and the wife was trying to get the husband to blow out the candle on his head without using his hands...The whole conversation was in Chengdu was hard to make out what they are saying but there was translation on the side tvs...hohoho...Next was a performance on Erhu Solo...nice music...After that, was the highlight of the show - Face changing. There were 3 persons doing the face changing, one of them was actually a puppet. It can also perform face changing too..Amazing...At the last part, they even did a clothes changing. The whole show lasted about 1 hr plus..Very entertaining...nice nice (Make sure you go for this performance if you are in Chengdu). After that, we went to check in our hotel - Crowne Plaza Chengdu Panda Garden. When we arrived, there was a big christmas tree, there were masks all around the tree. And we went into our room, there were a small gift on our beds, cookies was inside (My sis ate up the It was a big and spacious room, quite nice...there was a partition that can open up from the toilet to the room and there was a bath tub too. But too bad, only staying for 1 night nia...heater was strong and we can't open the window as there was some burning going on outside (got smoke smell)...Anyway we stayed up quite late before going to bed...kekeke...

To be cont'd.....

Places visited:
1. Bao Shu Tang
2. Pearl Jewellery Outlet
3. Huanhuaxi Garden
4. Jin Li Alley
5. SiChuan Opera

Hotel Stayed:
Crowne Plaza Chengdu Panda Garden

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