Sunday, November 24, 2013

Europe 2nd Trip - St. Moritz & Chur, Switzerland (Day 12)

5th Nov 2013, Tuesday, Sunny

Hot Chocolate
Today we are heading out to Chur, another town along the bernina express route. We got up at around 6 am and got our luggage packed. I had to stuff 2 packs of creme brulee and a box of grapes which we had bought from the super market yesterday. After with the packing, we went down to have our brekfast. The breakfast was quite sadz for the piece of $15 swiss franc, there wasn't much food, just breads, crossiants, ham, cereals and orange juices. The croissants was not as nice as the one we had in Tirano hotel but the ham was still good. And we had hot chocolate too, and we got a nice view in front of us too....which really brighten our day (already long forgotten about work....hahahaaa). After the breakfast, mi and my friend went to the playroom, there were some arcade machines and vending machines. There was even a TV room and an exercise room for yoga. Then we went back to out room to pick up our luggage and left the hotel, we made our way to the same train station again. This time, we were catching the train to go to St. Moritz for a half a day walk.

St. Moritz
When we reached St. Moritz station, we went to put our luggage in the deposit lockers. There wasn't many people around and it was windy too. So we slowly walked towards St. Moritz Lake, the sun was shinning brightly too. And it really feels good taking a stroll down the lake in the morning, and behind was snow mountains and there were ducks and swans too. The sky was blue and a lot of clouds floating in the sky (really is 蓝天白云). After a while, i just sat on one of the benches and started eating the grapes (so heavy...carrying them around....). Then my friends came and joined me after they were done with their photo-takings. We even went and fed the ducks and some black birds...hahahaha....the ducks chased us for the food when we stopped feeding them...we ran off when they kept trying to come near was so fun....After the walk there, we walked towards to the town area. We walked towards the post office and my friends managed to get themselves data cards just before the office closed for lunch. We spent some time outside the office cos they were getting their data up. After they were done with the data, we made our way down to explore other places. We went to the restroom there, it was lighted with blue light..which was kind of weird...hahaha...Then we walked to take more photos of St. Moritz Lake. After that, we walked to see their shops but most of the shops were not even opened. As there was nothing much to walk around St. Moritz, we decided to head down to Chur, where we will be staying for the night.

Roasted Chestnuts Stall in Chur
It was around 3 or 4 plus when we reached Chur....i saw a triangular bread which costs around $3 swiss franc at the station, so i got 1 (intention to share it but my friend wanted it to eat the whole....hohoho...). Luckily, i saw roasted chestnuts stall just outside the station and it was selling 200g for around $6.90 swiss franc. So we decided to buy a bag (if not, mi and the other friend won't have anything to eat in the hotel...hahahaaa....). The roasted chestnuts really smells nice and they were big too (like the ones in italy), hope it tastes good. And so, we walked our way to the hotel. The hotel we were staying was called Comfort Hotel Post. The hotel lobby was quite small and the lift wasn't big too. We went up to our room after getting the key. The room quite big, there were 2 single beds placed side by side and 1 single bed placed in another corner. After checking the room, we started to have some snacks first before venturing out. The roasted chestnuts were really nice, it was sweet and it doesn't has the burnt taste and it wasn't too dried too. And after the snacks, we went out to walk around the town. We wanted to go to a recommended restaurant for dinner but it wasn't opened for the day when we got there. Then, we went shopping around, there was a sausage stall which was having a sausage icon on top of the stall. Hahahaa...both my friends thought it was a banana.....anyway, we can't resist the yummy smell of the sausage (even with the fact it costs $6.90 swiss franc) and i was also getting hungry. We ended up buying 1 to share, luckily it was still quite a long piece, that we were able to share among us. Tried their mustard sauce too, it wasn't choky and spicy, it tasted kind of sweet. 

Daily Catch of The Day (Cod Fish)
We continued our shopping walk, and other some time, we decided to have dinner. We walked back to the 1st restaurant area and went to the restaurant which was opposite it. It was a restaurant in a hotel, called Hotel Stern. The restaurant name was called Veltliner Weinstube. It looked high class too, and it was definitely a fine dinning place. Hahahaa..there was 1 guy who kept looking in our direction cos he was sitting in this direction and my friend felt uncomfortable about it...luckily, he was already on his desserts, which meant he will be going off soon. We ordered 4 dishes, cod fish (daily catch), rositi, maluns and a dessert. And we got a free appetizer, which was a type of fish placed on top of black beans. funny, we thought it was the daily catch dish, which costs $36 swiss francs and the portion was only 1 mouth size. The food was good, the rositi was crispy too and the cod fish..wooo...nice (the skin was crispy and the meat QQ too)!! We spent $98.30 for this meal, happy meal for us. After the splendid dinner, we made our way back to the hotel. Hahahaa....i realised the heater for hot water wasn't working when i was taking the shower (everything was good about this hotel, except no hot water!..-_-"). I came out and just told one of my friends about it cos i knew she baths with warm water too. The other friend who went in after mi was screaming from inside the toilet that why there wasn't hot water? funny....and i always thought she baths with cold water as like a polar bear....kekeke...and so like that, we ended our day. 

Hotel Stayed:
Comfort Hotel Post

Places Visited:
St. Moritz

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