Monday, February 2, 2015

Osaka 大阪, Japan Trip (Day 9)

4th January 2015, Sunday

Kyoto Ramen Street
Fried Rice again!!
Today, we had to leave the nice hotel and take the train to Osaka. So we got ourselves prepared and packed our luggage and checked out of the hotel. We took the train back to Kyoto station and reserved the 12 pm plus train to Osaka. As there were still time for lunch. we wanted to pack lunch from the 1st ramen restaurant we ate on the first day we arrived in Kyoto there. So my friend waited at a corner while i ran up to the restaurant to buy the food. But the restaurant don't provide takeaways, so we had to eat in the restaurant. Then i went back to my friend and we went together back up to the restaurant to have our lunch...our last meal in Kyoto..really like the food there. Anyway, we missed our train while having lunch there..hohoho...After lunch, we went back to the JR office and reserved the next train to Osaka. Once it was done, we made our way slowly to the train platform. Suddenly, i noticed someone very big sized standing beside me and was wearing the traditional clothes for Japanese guys. But he looked like a sumo wrestler to me...hahahaa...

Hotel Bed
Breakfast Coupons
We boarded the train as the train arrived, it was a 15 mins ride to Osaka. We reached Shin-Osaka station at about 1.00 pm where we had to change to the metro to get to our hotel. We took the metro station until Anwa station and were walking around the station 1 big round just to find exit 1 in the pink line. And we had to carry all our stuffs up the stairs to the street level. Luckily the hotel was just located across the road, and we went to check but the staff told us the room was not ready for us yet. So we sat at the lobby to wait for the room to be ready. Luckily we just had to wait for about 10 mins and our room was ready. We were also given the breakfast vouchers (this is the only hotel that included breakfast). And we went up to our room, the room was small as usual and with 2 twin beds. And the toilet was also small and there was sound coming from the toilet ground...sounds like the floor going to break anytime. The bathtub was also small and the curtains was not cleaned, there were some dirty patches on it. There was no wifi in the room too...haiz...Anyway, we rested in the room for some time until 3 or 4 plus before we left the hotel and went to Osaka Aquarium.

Sea Otter
Sting Ray
Spider Crab
Light Illustration Outside the Aquarium Entrance
It was a straight train to Osakako station from our hotel and there were signs for us to follow when we alighted from the station to walk to the aquarium. There was a very big Ferris wheel in front of it and it was near the harbour. And i saw there was a sign that directs to take a ship to Universal Studio Japan, which was very interesting. Then i went to get the entrance tickets from the counter and we went in to explore the aquarium. The starting point was from the 8th level, Japan Forest and slowly go down each level to view the fishes. There were river otters, which were very playful and sea otter, which was bathing itself when we saw her. Then there were sea lions and seals, some playing and some sleeping. Dolphins were swimming in a very fast speed (i was not able to capture the action with my camera), and performing for us to see. Cute penguins resting and the lights even turned off when we reached there, it was their sleeping time. There was a super giant fish in the Pacific Ocean place, swimming with other fishes, like the sting rays, hammerhead shark, etc. There were many types of fishes in the big aquarium to see and study, spider crabs and jellyfishes were there too. By the time we finished walking in the aquarium, it was already past 7 pm.

Yummy Omu Rice
Rice with Chicken and Egg
We left the aquarium and saw a street performer performing some street magic tricks to entertain the kids. We stood there and watched abit and then we went inside the nearby mall to have our dinner. There was a level where all the restaurants were located. So i chose a place that was selling omu rice and we had 2 plate of omu rice. The rice was nice to eat, after the dinner, we went back to our hotel to rest.

Hotel Stayed:
Humor Resort New Oriental Hotel

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