Sunday, December 21, 2014

Last Day in Taipei, Taiwan Trip (Day 16)

2nd December 2014, Tuesday

Rock Coco
Today was the last day of our trip and so we didn't plan to do anything much today. My friend still needed to buy sun cakes for her friend, so we got up at around 11 pm and got ready. When my friend was showering, i ate my doughnuts from Krispy nice...Then when  my friend was going to eat hers, she asked me what happened to my doughnuts...hohoho....Then we checked out and left our luggage at the hotel lobby. It was cold and cooling today...We walked to the end at one of the streets in ximending and checked out a shop selling sun cakes and pineapple cakes. It wasn't so nice when we tasted it. At first, my friend was saying that her friend wanted to meet us to have a dinner with the friend's boss family at Taoyuan area. But the arrangement like so troublesome for us to run here and there. While she was messaging her friend, i went to buy my pancake for the last time...hahaha...In the end, the dinner was cancelled. So there were more time for us now, and we went to Taipei Main Station to walk the underground shopping malls (maybe can find sun cakes to buy too). We just walked walked and see see when we were at the underground malls, nothing much to buy too...hahahaa....We walked until about 2 plus before we decided to go back to the hotel. Saw a shop selling sun cakes and pineapple cakes when we were walking back to ximending from the station, and bought a few boxes back.

Then we left our cakes in the hotel lobby with our luggage, there was when i received an SMS from Jetstar notifying that my flight was delayed for an hour. So we went to a nearby eating place beside the hotel to have some food (last meal in taipei...hohohoho).....We asked the hotel staff to help us to call for a cab when we finished was around 4 plus....The cab driver was very old, like around 60 plus already...he helped us drag our luggage to his taxi which was parked outside ximending streets. Then it was off to the airport....This time we still went for the check-in of luggage despite the flight delayed...but it was still early.. the counters were opening at 6.15 pm and there was already a queue for it. There was another queue for web check-in and there was no one queuing there. My friend went there to queue as i had already checked in last night. Then we were wondering why nobody is queuing here, does that mean no one using web check-in? hahahaa....So we just waiting until the counters were open....We were able to get my luggage checked in fast as we were first....After that, we went down to the food court as there wasn't any shops to walk and it was very cold. Had a soup with rice and a milk tea...not so nice...We just stayed there to wait for the time to pass before i can go in my flight's gate.....

Flight Delayed
I said bye bye to my friend when it was time for mi to go in (her flight to Philippines was past midnight) i went in first time to take flight alone....There wasn't much people after the boarding gate changed too....the shops were also very i slowly walked to my gate as it was still early. And when i reached the boarding waiting was sooo empty and cold...And i noticed the flight time had displayed to 10 pm on the board but there wasn't any announcement made on the changed of time...So i went to ask the airline staff, she said the plane was delayed on the other side and was already on the way now but estimated time to land in Taoyuan was 9.15 or 9.30 pm. So i just sat there and waited for the plane to was very very cold...luckily there was wi-fi around, at least i still can watsapp my friend who was also waiting outside for her check-in counters to be opened. Finally the plane landed at around 9.15 pm, i only boarded the plane at around 9.35 pm....and when i was on the plane, there was a family group, so ma fan...trying to change the seats here and that the whole family can be seated near to each other...The mother was waiting for the other party to board so to make noisy....and i got a teenager sitting with the mother beside me...and 2 boys sitting in front of me and another 1 small toddler sitting behind me.... -_-"...Luckily they didn't ask me to change my seat (which was a window seat)...hahaha....

The plane also took a long time to get off the ground, after settling all the passengers, the plane had to wait for 4 planes to land first before it could move across the path for take off....Finally, it took off...and from above i was able to see Taiwan with all its orange lights...very nice layout....and it was beautiful...I just kept looking on it....until we were up up into the clouds...And just when i thought i wanted to try to sleep, the food was being served out to sell...haiz....stomach so to sleep?? And the mother kept chatting with her daughter peace....So i just put on my earphones and tried to sleep...until by midnight, i woke up and the 2 of them were finally sleeping...But i couldn't get back to sleep...haiya...and i couldn't lower my seat  further as i think the lady behind who was carrying the toddler was blocking my seat from going down. Anyway, the plane finally landed in SG at around 3rd Dec 2.45 am..So i just took my time to alight the plane (let everyone else to alight first)...and slowly walked out of the customs and gate...hehee...going home alone no hurry....bought a bottle of vodka and tiger beers with lemon too...hahahaa...Then went Burger King to grab some snacks...very hungry...also overheard a group of ladies talking about SG flats, one of them was questioning how come a foreigner/PR got approved on the application of a HDB flat when the foreigner/PR was already holding another house asset...something like that...and why the government can approved it....

Then i went to take a cab, there wasn't any cab i waited, and so when this cab driver came by, he like very not happy to pick up customers...don't even want to help me put my luggage in the car's boot...He even signed very loudly when i told him my destination...Don't know why need to sign so loudly.....when reached my block, i just waited for him to take out my luggage from the car's boot lor..... :P
Being naughty.....and so my trip ended after 16 full days of fun....i will definitely miss all the yummy food i had there....and the cooling weather on my last 2 days too....hahahaa

During my trip in Taiwan, we collected a lot of the stamps in all the places we went too. Some are very cartoon too.  You can take it as part of your collection when you are traveling in Taiwan next time.

Friday, December 19, 2014

New Taipei City 新北市, Taiwan Trip (Day 15)

1st December 2014, Monday

Christmas Bears fast is the last 2nd day of the trip. Today we were supposed to go to Jiu Fen, but we ended up sleeping until 11 plus. And by the time we 2 got ready to leave the hotel, it would be almost afternoon. So i told my friend don't go to Jiu Fen anymore, as it would be rushing for us too (still need to take train and take the bus, and then cannot really see much and would need to rush back to Taipei again). And i told her let's just go to Long Shan Temple (龍山寺) and then go Taipei Main Train Station to buy sun cakes. Although i had visited it before, but i still want to bring her go there to take a look. Then we just took our time to get ready and went out. When we first stepped out from the hotel, it was soooo cold and it was still so sunny yesterday. And then we 2 went back to the hotel to grab our jackets....kekeke....And so, we boarded the metro and when i saw the stations along the line, i saw a station named Banqiao. So i told my friend hey, that's the station the lady in Rock Coco who told us the tee shirt design was in. Then my friend said go there and check the shop out, maybe would be able to get the shirt. So we alighted at Banqiao station instead of Long Shan Temple....hohohoooo....Once alighted, we walked to see whether we can find the shop through wi-fi or maybe the shop was under the station. Though we didn't manage to get connected to the wi-fi, we managed to see a visitors information counter. So i went and asked the lady to help me google where is the shop in Banqiao. Luckily, the lady still managed to find it on the net. It was inside a shopping mall 2 blocks down and on level 6.

So we walked from the station to the shopping mall, there was TSR, HSR and TRA trains in the station and later i realized this was the New Taipei City. When we came out from the station, there was a big square with merry-go-round and a big christmas tree. It was 17 degree celsius and it was very windy (finally..cooling weather). Then we had to cut through the New Taipei City Hall building, inside there was a yellow robot display. It was their new metro train, which can be transformed into a robot...hohohoho....Then we crossed the road junction, and reached the shopping mall. Once there, i was trying to look at the shop directory to find the shop but there wasn't any. But we still went up to level 6 to check, it was all sports shops and there it was, a small shop and it was Rock Coco. Then i went up to the shop assistant and asked her whether they still have the dragon design. She told me it was all sold out, i was disappointed but we told her that the ximending branch staff had told us their shop was still having the stock, so we came here. The shop assistant looked abit confusing and puzzled but she still helped us to look from their system to check. Then she told me there was 1 stock left and the size was XL. I was so happy that i told i wanted XL size. But later she told me it was red color, and she told me there was no more black when i asked her. Then she checked her system again, this time she told me she had 1 black stock left, 1 and only 1 and it was XL. I said ok...i take it...but she still said the stock was to bring to their shop from another place, which would be arriving at around 4 pm. So i said ok, i will wait for it. But my friend was asking me whether they can bring it to ximending branch so we can go there and collect instead of waiting here. The shop assistant told me she could only got back to me after half an hour time when i asked her. So we went around the area for shopping. Went looking for sports shoes and polo tees for my dad....we just kept walking from shops to shops slowly and to pass the time.

Gingerbread Man (From Krispy Kreme)

Snowman (From Krispy Kreme)
We shopped until it was about 3 plus, then we went back to the shop and checked with the shop assistant again. She told me that their goods had arrived, including that tee-shirt and they were just downstairs. And she was going down to pick them up. So we had to wait for it again. It took quite some time before the shop assistant was back. I was so happy that we managed to buy the shirt...and i kept checking on the size too. Can't believe it.....hahahaa.....Then we walked around abit longer, got a watch for my grandma too...Then we went back to the metro station and walked to see the shops there. Saw Krispy Kreme and dragged my friend inside. Bought a original glazed doughnut and she bought a don't know what flavor doughnut...hohoho...Then we just sat there and eat....ohhh...the original glazed tasted the same as the one i ate from KL...not like Singapore (super sweet).....This one was nice and made you want to eat some more. And so i did, my friend bought another 2 original glazed back for me....tomorrow's breakfast...hahahaa...We sat there until 5. 15 pm....played with wi-fi until we forgot the time. We were having a dinner reservation at the mala steamboat at 5.30 pm!!...So we quickly went to take the metro and went down to the restaurant as fast as we could. There were already people queuing outside the restaurant when we reached, luckily we still made it on time. Then we ordered the soup base and the pork...yum yum....the soft drinks were 1 bottle and there were veggies, crabs (which were gone once they were out for grabs), prawns, desserts (ice- creams and puddings) and they even have free flow of beers.....and we had only 2 hours to eat. Actually, 2 hours should be enough for dinner but not sure why, we were both rushing to eat our food towards the end...i didn't even have chance to finish drinking my sprite and they don't allow people to take their food or drinks out... :P....My friend had almost 2 whole crabs on her own...i had alot of the pork too...ohh..and their milk pudding was damn nice...smooth smooth....It was a nice dinner....hohohoho....and we were soooo full!!! Oh ya...and the staff came and asked us to pay for the meal when we were enjoying the meal in the middle. Think it was their practice....and the price increased on the 1st day of December but they were having promotion so there was some discount today too.......

Our Mala Steamboat Dinner

Pork!! Must Try!!

Fish and Prawn Pastes (Must Try!!)
Puddings (Must Try Milk Pudding!!)
After the dinner, we walked on the streets to digest first...Saw the price potato with cheese (which i bought from Shilin Night Market earlier) in an alley beside The Face Shop...then i dragged my friend up to an anime/comics shop....bought anime files there...then it was time to meet my friend's job agent who helped my friend to have a job in Singapore. We went to Starbucks, then my friend was telling me it was that lady standing in front lah...i asked her sure anot cos the 2 of them haven't met for like 8 or 9 years....hohoho...We didn't want to go Starbucks, so we went to a cafe opposite, called Rolling Cafe. It was quiet and lesser people. And so they started to chat, i just joined in to chat as and when....if the topic happened to be on Singapore...hahaha...The agent actually was a Singapore PR and even just renewed her PR too. And she had a company registered under Singapore and even have a flat there. But she is staying in Taipei for many years. She said she could manage to understand Mandarin and speak a little after many years but still couldn't speak it well...hehehee....And ya, of course to her Singapore is a very good country and she said every one in Singapore will have a roof under them but not in other countries. And taxes are much lower in SG than others.  She is a nice lady, had fun chatting with her too.... :)...We chatted until 10 plus, then she paid for our drinks. She went to our hotel with us, she said wanted to see how our room looks like....hohoho...And then my friend brought her to the lift and chatted there...i my friend came back....we just took our shower in turn and packed our luggage to prepare to fly off the next day.....

Hotel Stayed: Rainbow Hotel

Places Visited:

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Yang Ming Shan 陽明山國家公園, Taiwan Trip (Day 14)

30th November 2014, Sunday

Qixing Bus Stop
Today, we were supposed to wake up early and go to Jiu Fen and Shi Fen area but we 2 ended up getting up almost to 10 plus...getting super tired already...hahaha...So i told my friend just go to yangmingshan instead, as it was nearer. We got up to get ready and made our way to Jiantan Station to take the red 5 bus to go up. It was almost to 1 pm when we finally reached the national park. Then we changed to bus number 108 to go to the attractions around the park. We wanted to go to the waterfall stop, which was the further up. But the bus we got on was like only going half of the route and there were only single seats in the mini bus, most of the people have to stand and it was round and round up the mountain roads. It was damn bumpy too..We got off at Mount. Qixing bus stop and we were like stranded at nowhere again....hahahaa

Mountain 'Smoking'

Boiling Water

Fried Sweet Potato..Must Try!!!
So we just took the round Mt. Qixing Trail to walk to Xiaoyoukeng (小油坑), where there is 'smoke' coming out from the mountain...hehheehe.....It was stairs and stairs again, i really not feeling the mood and energy to do the hiking trails anymore. We were too tired....Once we reached xiaoyoukeng, we just went and see the 'smoke' coming from the volcanic pit on the mountain...There was a puddle of boiling water at the side too. And there was a very strong nasty smell too. After this, we went to the bus stop to catch the bus again. This time the bus was going up to the waterfall, and we had to stand on the bus. It was so hard to keep balance when the bus was going up the road and rocking from left to right. We passed by some bus stops on the top and we saw the people queuing to take the super super long....and it was like around 3 plus. And the further up we went, the more people we see at the bus stop. So we just decided we better don't alight the bus, if not, we won't be able to get back on the bus later on. There was even a point where the road was jammed with cars on both sides of the traffic. When we reached back to the bus terminal, it was about 3 plus. There was a food stall opening and we went to grab some food as we haven't had lunch yet. Most of the dishes were sold out too. The fried sweet potato snacks was the best of all we ordered...hahaha...even my friend likes it...we ordered 2 plates of it.

Gates of Yang Ming Shan
After that, there was a walking trail to yangming park. So we just walked slowly that trail and we didn't reach the park was like super far and we don't want to end up having no bus back again. So we took a bus back to the bus terminal and then we bought a packet of oranges from the side stalls too. The auntie was telling us 1 packet of 5 oranges costs NT$50 and there were own grown, very sweet. Those bigger ones were NT$50 each....The auntie didn't lie to us, the oranges were really sweet!! Sweeter than the ones we bought at Guanziling....After that, we queued to take the red 5 bus back to Jiantan station. After we came down to the station, we made our way to Shilin Night Market. It was different from my first visit, all the food stalls are along the road. As we were still full, we went abit of shopping first....hehehee...Then we just kept walking further in until we saw interesting food and then we will stop and buy back. There was a cake stall inside the market too, which was having long queue. So we went and buy 1 box too, similar to the one we bought from Tainan. But It wasn't so nice as the one we bought in Tainan. I would recommend to buy the one from Tainan instead of this one.... :P...It was quite crowded as we went in further and worse still, we both need to find restrooms.....

Super Big Sausages

Nice Nice Chicken Cutlet

Cute Dragon Design
Then i saw a Stay Real shop there (cannot help not going in the shop..hahaha), so i went in and asked whether the designs my friend (working in KL) wanted are available...hohohoho...1 design was worldwide out of stock and the other is selling only in Japan stores. Before we exited the shop, my friend pointed to me one design which she said it was cute too and asked me to take photo and go back ask my friend. Then we went to find restrooms but ended up walking to the next metro station. As we wanted to go back to the hotel, so we went into the station and the restrooms were inside (after the gates). After that, we took the metro back to Jiantan station and went back to the night market again. This time, we just went to buy the food we wanted to eat (got potato with cheese and chicken cutlet which was fried and then grilled). Then we took the metro back to the hotel, where we had our snacks. The potato with cheese wasn't as nice as the one i bought at Tainan. Here the potato was fried instead of baked...but it was a popular stall in Taipei...(later i saw the same stall in one of the alleys at Ximending too)....hohoho...Once back in hotel, i connected wi-fi and messaged my friend to let her know on the bad news and also showed her the one we took photo in the shop. She said she wanted that, so i went to the rock coco (which was also under stay real) branch in Ximending and helped her check on that design. Again, they don't have the stock anymore and the only store still having the stock was in Banqiao, which i didn't know where was it and i thought there wasn't enough time for us to travel there to buy the next day too. So i didn't ask the staff to help us reserve the shirt in that branch. I wanted to get one shirt for my friend, as she will be very disappointed if i going to tell her the bad news again. But that branch was too small and i didn't find a design that she will like. So we went back to the hotel.....and continue eating my potato and chicken cutlet....

Hotel Stayed: Rainbow Hotel

Places Visited:
Yang Ming Shan
Shilin Night Market

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Taipei 台北, Taiwan Trip (Day 13)

29th November 2014, Saturday

My super big chicken cutlet
We woke up at around 8 plus today and we were taking our own sweet time to prepare ourselves to go out. My friend was messaging her friend who is working in Taiwan on where to meet us later.  We left the hotel at around 10 plus and made our way down to Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (中正紀念堂). Bought the hot star chicken cutlet as breakfast...yum yum...The memorial hall is just outside the metro exit, which is very convenient. My friend was worried that her friend won't be able to find us as she didn't told her the exact meeting place but just told her meet at the memorial hall. We went up to the memorial hall but the front entrance was doing some repairs works, which we can't go in. Then my friend just sat on the stairs, while i was walking here and there. Then my friend was talking to her friend who managed to recognize her (they haven't seen each other for about 8 years). Then they were talking happily, and her friend told us we could enter the memorial hall by taking the lift from downstairs and there was exhibit hall too. The friend is working as a maid in a Taiwan family, taking care of 2 elders (both are around 80 plus years old). And she had working for the family for 7 years now and she is very happy there. She is the only one person i met that told me Singapore was a nightmare place for her...hahhaaa...She really had a very bad experience when she was working as a maid in Singapore.

Chiang's Official State Car
So we went down, there was a post office, exhibit hall and a souvenirs shop (i didn't went down there when i went there on the first visit..hehee). There were many people around too, so i went walking around while the two friends chatting happily. On the 3rd level was a exhibit hall too, where there were some paper art displays. Then we went up to the 4th level, which was the memorial hall. When we entered the hall, the guards changing event had already been started (only managed to catch the ending). Didn't managed to watch the whole thing on my first visit too...this time also didn't manage to catch the whole thing...hahahaa...
After that and taking photos of the guards, then we were thinking where to have lunch as it was getting noon time too. So the friend was saying to go Taipei Main Station there to eat, so we made our way down to the the main station. Then we went to Shin Kong Mitsukoshi Department Store basement and went for lunch in a Teppanyaki restaurant. It was quite good and it costs around NT$1200 plus for 2 set meals. But the friend treated us for the meal... :P...

View from Top
After lunch, we made our way to Taipei 101 tower. When we came out of the metro station, i was surprised the tower was just above us (last time need to walk from outside to get to the tower). And most importantly i saw Ding Tai Fung!!...hohohoo...and of cos it was crowded with people. It seems like the inside had also changed since my last visit. Then we went up to the tickets counter and bought 2 tickets to go up to the tower. The friend said she will wait for us downstairs, as she had went up before and it was expensive too. So me and my friend went up to level 88, 89 and 91. The observatory is at level 89, we took our time to walk around and my friend bought a wooden postcard to send to her sister who is living in Germany. Then we went down to level 89, which the wind dumper is located and Chii Lih Coral is (to buy statues made of corals). Then we went up to level 91, we had climbed the stairs up...tiring...Level 91 is the open space where you can view from the top. Cannot see much of the view much due to the barrages covering the view.

Thick Thick Cucumber!!

Mini Red Bean Baos (Nice!!)
After that, we made our way back to level 89 again to take the lift down to the tickets counter level. We met up with the friend again when we reached the tickets counter level. Then we went down to the basement (not sure why we went down to the basement too), so i asked my friend want to eat Ding Tai Fung...hehheee...There were really many people crowded in front of the restaurant, we had to squeeze out way to the front to get a queue number for us.Our waiting time was about 50 mins, so we just walked to other shops to see the sun cakes and pineapple cakes. There's even Jasons Supermarket there and then we waited here and there. Finally our table was ready and we can finally eat dinner...(waited almost 6 plus). I ordered some of the usual food like pork cutlet fried rice, the cold cucumber (thick thick ones, i like it), xiao long baos. I also ordered mini red bean baos and prawns wantons. The mini red bean baos were so niceee...even my friend likes it. We even tabao another 4 mini red bean baos back for tomorrow's breakfast...hehehe...By the time we finished dinner (did i mention the friend paid for our dinner too? hohoho), it was almost 7 plus. Although it was late, we still made our way down to Tamsui (淡水). The friend wasn't sure what bus to take to go to the Fisherman's Wharf (淡水漁人碼頭). Anyway, by the time we reached there, it was around 9 pm. So we gave up going to the wharf and just walked along the food and gifts shops near the pier. The friend was also telling us we could take the ferry to go to Fisherman's Wharf too. Saw a shop selling iron eggs snack, so we bought a few and made way back to our hotel as it was getting late. We alighted at Taipei Main Station to change line when the friend went on to take the train back to Taoyuan. Once back to Ximending, my friend went to the opposite 7-11 to buy some drinks...The yakult she bought back was big, not our normal small bottle...hohoho...

Hotel Stayed: Rainbow Hotel

Places Visited:
Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
Taipei Main Station
Taipei 101

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Taipei 台北, Taiwan Trip (Day 12)

28th November 2014, Friday

Our Breakfast
Today, we will be going to Taipei ( fast) we woke up and got ready to the train station. We had bought the tickets for 10:00 am train, as most of the trains were full. This was a slower train, which need about 3 hour plus to reach Taipei. I went to the 7-11 shop in the train station, to buy breakfast to eat on the train. Got hotdog breads, and a milk tea for my friend and calbee snacks. Then we went to the platform to wait for the train as there were many people today. The train looked super old, the doors were still those spring type and the walkways were small, very hard to push our luggage through. Finally we got to settle down on the seats and had our hotdog breads. The milk tea i bought from 7-11 was nice too, not too milky and it was a little sweet. Then we just slept on the train until it was about time to reach Taipei. Bought a lunch bento on the train too, it was quite nice too. We reached Taipei at around 1.44 pm, then we took a cab to Ximending (cos there were so many signs to TRA trains, HSR trains and Bannian Line which was the blue line of the metro). As the cab driver wasn't sure where was the hotel really located, we got off and i tried to find the hotel based on my long long time memory (when i first visited Taipei in 2009). We did manage to find the hotel in the streets, so we went up to our room to rest first. The room was smaller this time, it was bigger the first time i stayed in the hotel.

Our Lottery Tickets
After resting, we made our way to Wu Fen Pu commercial area. Saw some new shops around Ximending and the famous Hot Star Chicken Cutlet was just beside our hotel. Saw 1973 Fried Chicken stall too (just outside Ximen Station exit 6) and many people were queuing for it too. We went to the metro station and bought a 3 days pass to use for the next 3 days. So we bought the single tickets to Huoshanpi station.Upon reaching there, we walked the wrong direction to Wu Fen Pu. We passed by a lottery shop and went in to buy 2 tickets for the 8.30 pm draw today (NT$50 for 1 ticket, 3 matching numbers min to win NT$400). But the further we walked, i told my friend i don't remember it was so far away from the station. So we walked back to the station and there, we saw signs direction to Wu Fen Pu....heheee...Then we just walked around the commercial area, bought sausages and corns and also bought a very cute cat tee-shirt. We walked until 6 plus, by then we were both tired. My friend thought i wanted to walk there some more, so she didn't ask me whether wanted to go back. Until i told her let's go back...then she was like soo glad that finally going back...hohoho....

The Red House
My friend was making noise saying she wanted to eat steamboat in Taipei, so we went back to Ximending area and we came out from the opposite exit, which leads to the Red House. So i brought my friend to check out the red house. The first time i visited i wasn't able to enter the house and looked inside. This time the red house was still opened, so i was able to look the inside of the house. After that, we went looking around to find steamboat. A lot of Japanese restaurants around the area too, we came across a mala steamboat restaurant, where there were a lot of people queuing outside. I asked the staff what is the available time, she told me after 9.30 pm without reservation. I was thinking it was sooo late, by then we both were be damn hungry...but the soup base really smelled very nice and the people were really eating very happily. So i went back to the staff and asked them can i make table reservation. As tomorrow and the day after were weekends, so they were fully booked. But she gave a slot which was on next Monday, 5.30 pm, so i said ok. And then, we went back down the streets to have our dinner. Just beside Uniqlo, there was a building with some restaurants on the 4th floor. So we went up and take a look. We decided to go for a Japanese steamboat instead but we also need to wait until 8 pm before we can eat.So i left my name there and we went out to walk walk first. We went Uniqlo to check out their sales, the fleece jacket which was having heat tech was on sales. The collarless ultra light down jackets were also on sales (NT$690 or NT$790)....There were ultra light down jackets with parka designs too but it cost around SGD$129 (which i don't see it in sg stores when i came back)......

Our Dinner
Nice Looking Pork!!
After spending our time in Uniqlo, we went back to our dinning place to have our dinner. There were 4 soup bases to choose from and 2 of them needed to top NT$50 for it. The soup was tasteless at first, but the more we cooked, the soup got more tasty. The food was quite nice but it was a bit limited in the choices. The pork was still the best...thin thin and very nice to eat. After eating, we walked back to our hotel to rest. We checked online for the lottery winning numbers when we reached our hotel room. No luck, got 2 numbers only....haiz....

Hotel Stayed: Rainbow Hotel

Places Visited:
Wu Fen Pu Commercial Area
The Red House

Taroko National Park 太魯閣, Taiwan Trip (Day 11)

27th November 2014, Thursday

Singapore Ba Kut Teh
Today, we had planned to go Taroko National Park but i was not sure whether there was any public transport to go up there. So we woke up early before 8, go ready and went down to the hotel canteen to take a peek on the breakfast. It was very simple, we had a bit of food there. Then we made our way to the Visitors Information Center, which was located at the main train station. There, i asked the lady whether there was still slots for the 1 day Taroko tour, luckily there were slots available. The tour costs NT$788 per pax, lunch not included. Need to add another NT$200 if want to include lunch in. Then we walked around the area first as it was still early and the bus wasn't here yet. Bought a small pack of sour plums for my friend, cos she didn't eat her motion sickness pills in the hotel. When the bus came, it was a mini bus and it was already packed with passengers. There was this fat guy who was sitting in a 2 pax's seats, so me and my friend had to sit separately on the single seats, and the fat guy's friend was sitting in between us. They were still wearing suit and the weather wasn't so cold today.

Qingshui Ciffs
The bus driver was our guide for the day too, so he had to intro us the places whenever we passed by while he was driving...hohoho...As we were sitting apart, i don't have a chance to translate to my friend on what the driver was saying. We passed by Hualien Air Force Base, which there was a fighter plane taking off right in front of us. We also passed by Qixingtan beach (七星潭), which was one of the beautiful beaches in Hualien and it was also the last place we will be going during the tour. There was a lot of hotels built near the beach now and one could also see fish traps out in the sea too. After that, it was long long way to Taroko National Park. First stop, Qingshui Cliffs (清水斷崖). This is the only seaside viewing location in Taroko National Park where one can witness the three distinct color tones of the Pacific Ocean. And the bus driver told us that from far, we can also see the old roads which were being used, until the government had built the tunnels to cut through. The bus driver gave us half an hour time to go and take photos....When my friend came down, her face was so pissed like that. She even shooed me away....think she was in motion sickness i went off on my own. After that, we went further up the mountain. Passed by a walking trail called Sha Ge Dan (Native words), the trail needs 3 hours to complete and it looked fun too but our tour doesn't have this. At one point, the bus had to stop for like 15 mins or more as that area was now doing clearance due to a major landslide in  August. Underneath was a river with muddy waters and with strong currents. The bus driver told us that there wasn't any fishes or prawns living in it. They will die immediately if leave in the muddy waters.

Buluowan Villagers
Finally, we can move on and the bus driver collected helmets for us along the way. We went to Buluowan Terrance. Buluowan means 'echo of canyon' in the native language and used to be a tribal village there. The place was separated by upper and lower terrances. The bus driver let us off from the car park and gave us around 1 hour time to explore the place. Me and my friend went to the upper terrance, where the Leader Village Taroko Hotel was. While we were climbing the stairs up, there was signs indicating to be aware of snakes. The rooms of the hotel were a hut itself, and the people can just come out with mountains around them and breathing the fresh air. There was a park further down which we didn't manage to go and take a look. By the time we were done, it was almost time to board the bus. And almost everyone had already boarded the bus, we were the last few pairs. Passed by a very long suspension bridge, the driver told us that trail to the bridge needed 7 or 8 hours to complete and needed experienced guides to follow. Then it was off to Swallow Grotto Trail (燕子口). It was a long trail too (around 45 mins walk) but the driver let us off at about half of the trail to let us walk down the road and he would be waiting for us at the end of the trail.

Swallow Grotto
Before we alighted, the driver was telling us that there was a rock formation that looked like Indiana Jones. But the people in front on the bus were blocking me, so i wasn't able to imagine. Then we took the helmets and started walking down the road. The road for the trail was also done by using TNT to create openings and then smoothed the rocks manually. This actually caused about 200 people to lose their lives in this project. We took our time to walk and enjoyed the views. There were swallows flying too, and there were signs indicating to beware of falling rocks and warned people to walk faster. In the earlier days, cars and people had to fight for space in Swallow Grotto. Until in 2007, the Taroko Authorities decided to separate the vehicles and pedestrians by building tunnels and bridges. And the road for Swallow Grotto was only used by tour buses. By the time we walked back to the bus, we were the last pair. We were thinking why these people walked so fast to go back to the bus....Then we were off to have our lunch. Saw a walking trail which was closed as there was an accident before which killed 2 people and injured 4. They were currently doing works to make it more safer. Then we passed by Cimu Bridge (慈母橋), we could see Tiande Temple at the end of the bridge and the world's highest Buddha statue with seven-story Tianfeng Pagoda.

Eternal Spring Shrine
Then the bus driver dropped 4 of us, included the two of us at the recreation area to have our own lunch whereas the rest of the people would be going further upstairs to have theirs (included in their tour). We bought set lunches at one of the eating places (only got 2 eating places which were trying to pull customers in). The food wasn't so bad, quite nice though. After eating, we walked to Cimu bridge to take some photos, wanted to climb up to Tiande Temple but doesn't have enough time to climb up (and it looked like very high up). By 1 plus, the bus came and picked us up and once again we were the last pair again (but we weren't late).....heheehehe...Now we were off to the Eternal Spring Shrine (長春祠). This shrine was built in memory of the 212 people who had died during the construction of Central Cross-Island Highway. So the highway was actually built with "blood, sweat and tears". There was waterfall coming out from the shrine too, pouring into Liwu River. It was very nice to see from across. But the bus driver gave us like half an hour time and even told us we can walk to the shrine if we want to. We just took our time to walk over the bridge and to the entrance of the tunnel. Then we made our way back to the bus. Again, we were the last one to reach back the bus. Aiyo, don't these people walk?

Qixingtan Beach
After this, the bus driver brought us to the famous Ah Mei's Mochi Wholesale Place. There we can try the products before deciding to buy them. Tried some, they were nice. We also tried one of the drinks....with don't know what flower. It was very tasty and refreshing. We kept taking and drink...hehehee....We bought some snacks back too and went back to the bus. This time we weren't the last ones...hahaha...There was a guy who haven't got back, but the driver went off after we boarded. Then the passengers were yelling the driver to stop...hahahaa...guess he thought we were the last ones. After the guy came back, we were off to Qixingtan beach. The beach was a pebbled beach, there were pebbles around, so i picked a few pebbles to bring back...hehehe...We even bought yam and sweet potatoes to eat (NT$50 for 3). The beach was really beautiful and felt sooo good......Well, we were the last ones to board the bus, as usual....heheee...Then we were off back to Hualien Train Station. Luckily we didn't walk to the beach last night, it was quite far away. We alighted at the main train station and went and buy our train tickets to Taipei (as it was their election voting day on 29the Nov and we were guessing the trains may be full as the locals would be rushing back to Taipei for voting). After buying the tickets, we went out and just sat there to eat our sweet potatoes..It was sweet..nice...

Chicken Wings!!Must Try!!
As it was still early for dinner, we decided to walk around first. I wanted to go see a restaurant called 太监鸡. It was having 2 branches nearby the train station area, so we made our way to check out the restaurant. It wasn't opened for dinner yet when we reached, so we went to the next door cafe called Green House to rest our feet first. We ordered a cold chocolate drink and it was a super big cup....We just nua there until it was time for dinner. We went back to the restaurant, there was not many people around, only 3 tables which the customers were brought in by tour coaches. We wanted to order the chicken soup but the small size was soooo big, it was for 3 to 4 people. So we ordered 3 dishes instead and we can't even finished them...hehee...After dinner, we walked slowly back to our hotel. Passed by a stall selling 冰火波蘿油, so we bought 1 to try. It wasn't as nice as the one we bought from Fengjia Night Market. Then we also passed by a cafe called Shark Bite Toast, we saw the christmas decorations quite interesting, so we stopped and checked out the food menu. The food did looked interesting. So we went in and i ordered chicken wings....and while we were waiting, my friend was asking me why we didn't came here for dinner...hohoho...this cafe wasn't listed in the food map.....After buying the wings, we went back to the hotel. I ate the chicken wings while my friend slept...Ohhh...the chicken wings were sooo nice, crispy too!!! After eating, it was shower and zzz time.....last night to enjoy the big big room.....

Hotel Stayed: Anhwa Hotel

Places Visited:
Taroko National Park


Hua Lien 花蓮, Taiwan Trip (Day 10)

26th November 2014, Wednesday

Train Tickets to Hualien
Today, we need to catch the train to Hua Lien, which was 6 hours ride from Taichung. We had to wake up at around 5.30 am to get ready and made our way down to the train station. Our train was to leave at 7,28 am (which was a faster train, which needs 5 hour plus), so my friend went alone to Mos Burger to buy hot chocolate drinks. We boarded the train when the train came, we had a bit of problem getting our stuffs into our seats (cos we got breads, the goat's milk egg rolls and fruits). When i was taking the hot chocolate out from the paper bag, the drinks had already toppled and the hot chocolate was dripping. My friend's jeans also hot chocolate too, after wiping her jeans, she turned to pass me the hot chocolate again. This time, the cup slipped out from her hand and split some out onto the egg rolls, on the floor and even the side of the wall. the end, we had to wipe the floor and wall. Then after we settled down, i told her not to move anymore....hahaaa....

Hualien Food Map
As it was a long ride, we just slept on the train. Passed by a lot of small towns, even Taipei, when it was about to reach Hua lien, saw the pacific ocean along the way. After i work up, i was just jumping around the seats to take photos of the views. We reached Hua Lien at around 12.33 pm and went to the Visitors Information Centre to check on the directions to the Hotel while my friend cleaned up the plastic bag holding the egg rolls (having hot chocolate). The staff told us it would take about half an hour to walk there and she gave us a food map where their famous food places can be located, so we went back to the station to get a cab. Once we reached the hotel, we checked in and went to check out our room. It was huge (the biggest among all), it was having a single bed and a queen-sized bed. And the toilet was with glass partition, able to see through, curtain to cover too. We rested for a while and then we went out looking for food. In the food map, we saw a pork cutlet bento picture which looked very nice. So we decided to head there to try, but when we reached there, there was nobody eating there and the staff looked grumpy. We ordered 1 bento set to try, it wasn't very nice as it was cold. But there were still people coming by to tabao back the food.

葱油饼, Must Try!!!
After the meal, we went a cafe next door to relax. There was a 1-for-1 promotion too, so i bought 2 drinks. The cafe had some old antique stuffs too, like an super old TV and sewing machine. There was also a giant teddy bear, sitting on one of the tables too. We just drank our teas slowly and rest rest. My friend told me that it would take half an hour to walk to Qixintan beach, so i thought ok...we still can walk to the beach then. After that, we made our way to the beach, along the way, we detoured to Joe's Sausages, and opposite it, was the famous 炸弹葱油饼. We bought the sausages while gave our orders to the 葱油饼. I had ordered 1 without egg and 1 with egg. I also asked the sausages boss how long does it take to walk to the beach. This time, the uncle told me at least an hour...Then we continued our way to the beach, while eating the 葱油饼, the egg yolk 'exploded' out from my friend's...hehee...almost split out on her clothes.

Old Train
As we kept walking, the sky got dark and it even started to drizzle and it got heavier as we walked further. Then i told my friend let's head back, forget it. So we went back to buy more 葱油饼 as i wanted to eat more (bought another 3 more)...hehehe....There was a young lady, who went back to buy another one as she got the egg yolk split all onto her hands and clothes, she was telling it out but seems like nobody cares....hahaha....After buying, we just went around shopping.
My friend bought a new bag as her old bag was shredding its cloth inside....After that, we made our way back to the hotel to shower and rest....

Hotel Stayed: AnHwa Hotel

Places Visited: Hualien City

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Cingjing Farm 清境農場, Taiwan Trip ( Day 9)

25th November 2014, Tuesday

Tickets Package
Today, we would be going to Cingjing Farm to see baa baa sheeps...running around in their green green grassland. I woke up at around 6 plus at first, was still dead tired...slept again until it was almost 8 am...and the first bus out to the farm was 8.20 am. So we rushed out and my friend went to the hotel canteen to grab 2 breads, then we rushed out to the same tour bus office to buy our tickets packages to the farm. It costs NT$600, which included a return bus tickets and the entrance tickets into the green green grassland (青青草原). While the staff was calling for passengers going to the farm to queue, i ran to find my friend who was in a cafe and i told her faster faster, bus coming soon. Then i went out first to queue in the line....she came back 1 or 2 mins before the bus came. Then she was saying the cafe guy was sooooo slow until she wanted to tell him can he speed up abit....hohoho...and she only bought 1 cup of hot choco, just for me...hehehee....

View from Bus
Then the bus went off, but first the bus would need to go to Puli Bus Terminal again to pick up passengers. On the way there, saw a super big Ji Gong Statue along the freeway and the whole freeway was just mountains and mountains....We reached Puli Bus Terminal at around 9.30 am, then from there was another 2 hours up to the farm. It was all mountain roads (round and round), when it reached cingjing area. When it first entered the cingjing area, i was greeted by The Old England (老英格蘭), a traditional English mansion which was standing on the road (my friend was sleeping due to the zigzag roads). And after that, you will see nice nice scenery from the top. Saw a half-dried up Emerald Lake). We got off at the wrong bust stop again, we should be going to green green grassland first, but we alighted at cingjing farm visitors information centre. I only realized it when there was a lady asking the driver after we alighted...hehheee....But anyway, due to the wrong stop, we smelled something very very fragrant. It was egg rolls made with goat's milk, the lady let us try and it was really nice. We were thinking whether to buy first or buy later, as we always end up at weird places, we were also thinking we may not even be coming down here to buy it as the last bus stop was at the top, which was the green green grassland.

Swiss Garden
While i was worrying we were not able to get on the last bus (which was around 4 plus) back to Taichung, my friend was worrying she was not able to get a seat to sit down on the bus (she got motion-sickness on mountain roads)...but anyway, we also cannot do much now. So we walked to Swiss Garden, which was down the mountain. It costs NT$120 each to enter the garden, it was a small garden for flowers. But i think our timing was not correct cos most of the flowers had already withered away. Only a few kinds were left standing, we took our time to walk slowly and enjoy the place as much as we could. There were ducks there too, managed to see water fountain performance too (just water 'dancing'). After the garden, we took a cab up to green green grassland. As much as i wanted to go visit the old England which was at the bottom, i had to skip it cos it was too far to walk. It cost NT$200 from swiss garden to green green grassland, and as we already had our entrance tickets, we went in (there wasn't anyone there to check the tickets too anyway). There, we need to chop a stamp on our hands for re-entry.

View From Green Green Grassland
The place really have a super nice view from the top, blue blue sky and mountains around. And the sheeps were all roaming freely around the big grassland. You can just walk up to any sheep and touch them and feed them with their feeds, which cost NT$10. Their fur feels like carpet....hehee...hard hard one, not soft soft. Then we walked round the place, there was a mini shop and a food stall. So we bought a goat's milk ice cream, a sausage and a bamboo rice. There was kittens and cat around the place too and there was warning board to indicate the cats bite, don't feed them. There was one cat which it just sat beside me and waited for me to feed it. The sausage and the bamboo rice wasn't nice, the ice cream was hard as we put out under the sun to melt it. Then we walked down to the center stage, where there were more people trying to feed the sheeps, as to get their attention and take photos with them. There were 2 horses and 2 ponies there too, for customers to take a ride around the stage area and take photos. It costs NT$150 per pax and NT$200 (special offer) to get a horse ride. By the way, the stage area was full of sheeps' poos because the sheeps were eating and pooing there too. So there was a stretch of smelly smell there too...And when there was a black color sheep walked in to the stage, everyone rushed to take photos with a star had

Black Baa Baa Sheep
Sleepy Horse
Then we walked walked again while waiting for 2.30 pm which was supposed to be a show. We also just sat around the stage and just looked at the other people, feeding the sheeps, taking photos with the horses and sheeps. I was telling my friend, luckily she brought me to Philippines to ride horses first. It was really not worth to ride the horses here for NT$150, the riding area was small and it was only 1 round. But of course, there were still people paying for it, those with children. Then we saw 1 kid, quite big age, got on the ponies, without the staff's supervision. The dad was also just trying to get a shot of his son on the ponies. And the kid was still shaking on the pony. And later we also saw a family trying to put their children up on the horses so to get photos, while the staff was not around. And they all looked like Singaporeans.....haiz....-_-"....Luckily the staff quickly ran back and asked them to stop and pay for the ride if they really want to take photos with the horses. Pity the horses and ponies, they really looked very sad and sleepy there....But imagine if the horses or ponies run off with the kids on the back and without the staff's supervision, who would be blamed?

Goat's Milk Egg Rolls (Must Try!)
When it was reaching 2.30 pm, i was wondering why there was no announcement on the show. Then i checked the brochure again...alamak, it was 2.30 pm alright, but it was for weekends and holidays. Today wasn't holidays nor weekends....wu long.....hahahaa....Then i told my friend quick quick go already, need to go down buy egg rolls....We exited out from the other entrance, which was at the other side of the grassland. There, were some stalls selling food products, one auntie let us try bamboo shoots soup. And there were the supporters for a political candidate, who had came by and meet the stall owners to get their votes. We walked as we tried to catch a cab down to the visitors information center. Managed to catch one, there was 1 lady passenger on the cab, so the driver told us we pay NT$100 and the other lady pay NT$100. We bought 6 boxes of the egg rolls, it costs NT$130 for 9 pieces per box (quite exp too, although 1 box was free). As there was still 1 hour waiting time for the last bus to reach our bus stop, we went upstairs to check out a restaurant. It looked pricey and there was an additional of 10% service charge too (not many people inside too). So we went down and had our lunch in a French eating place....hmmmm...the food wasn't so bad or wasn't so nice either...slightly better than my last night's dinner. After eating, my friend said she wants to go down the road to buy fruits. We bought 1 snow pear, persimmons and goat's milk candy and asked the auntie to cut the fruits for us.

Sweet, Try Try!!
After that, we went to the bus stop to wait for the bus to come. My friend was really worried she won't be able to get a seat. A cab driver came by and asked us whether want to take his cab back to Taichung. I told him we got return tickets already, and he drove off looking for other passengers. And another van driver came by and also asked us want to take his van back. Same thing, i also told him we got return tickets. Then later, there was a couple came by and waited at the bus stop too. The same cab driver drove up back and asked the couple whether they want to take his cab. He quoted them NT $350 per pax and 1 hour faster back to Taichung. As it was getting near to the bus's arrival time, there were a few more people waiting at the bus stop (1 group was even senior citizens group). Then another cab uncle came by and was asking anyone wants to take his cab. When i told him we got return tickets already, he said he will buy our tickets packages and told me to top up another NT$50 per pax. Then i was thinking, why not? Although i wasn't aware what he will do with the tickets, i was more concerned that my friend will vomit on the bus and plus if we were not able to board the last bus, it will be headache too. So we took the cab back to Taichung (also saved us 1 hour time as we don't have to route to Puli). The cab uncle later told me that they can actually return the bus tickets to the bus company if it wasn't being used. Even we can go return, will get refund around NT$120 plus after minus the used entrance fees for the farm and the trip to the farm and some admin fees too. He had been driving up and down the area for more than 10 years, so he had the experience. He said the previous cab driver don't dare to offer to buy our tickets was because he didn't know this method.


1 box of 冰火波蘿油
Anyway, the ride was quite rough and bumpy. By the time we alighted just opposite our hotel, my friend was already giddy and almost wanted to vomit. The cab uncle charged us NT$100 per pax, i didn't ask him, i just thought maybe it was because i requested him to drive to our hotel instead of the train station. Then we went back to the hotel to rest first, we agreed to go back to Fengjia market again for dinner instead of just buying dinner randomly. When we reached our room, i stepped on a pool of water on the floor. We were wondering why there was water on the floor. It seems like the water came from the fridge. So i had to call the hotel staff to help mop the floor. Luckily, our fruits inside the fridge didn't get bad. After the staff mopped the floor, we rested for a while first before making our way down to the night market. This time, we were able to walk more there and i bought the same baked potato with cheese (nice nice) and we bought 7 of  冰火波蘿油 breads (equal to 1 box) and we tried some other food a stall selling chicken cutlet called Devil Chicken Cutlet (恶魔鸡排), it was having a long queue too. What's special was this chicken cutlet was thicker on the meat, at least that's what it was stated....hahahaa...We bought 1 to try anyway....nice too....After that, we just went back to the hotel with our snacks, and then rest time!!!

Hotel Stayed: VIP Hotel

Places Visited:
Cingjing Farm
Swiss Garden
Fengjia Night Market