Sunday, December 7, 2014

Tainan 臺南, Taiwan Trip (Day 4)

20th November 2014, Thursday

Train Schedule
Today, woke up slightly early, by around 8 plus as we need to catch train to go to Tainan. So we packed our stuffs and checked out the hotel. We went back to the 2 same stalls where we went on the 1st day but the soup stall wasn't opened yet. So we got the red tea milk, a toast and 2 egg yolk piahs for breakfast. The toast was nice, with fried egg (the yolk will flow out type)and pork floss, i like it...yum yum...Then we made our way to the metro station and went down to Kaohsiung HSR station. Bought the train tickets from the self purchase machines, it was quite easy to buy and we bought the 11.36 am train. As there was still some time left, we just walked around to explore the station (didn't have time to take photos on the first day).

High Speed Rail (HSR) Train
The train arrived about 2 mins before the departure time and left the station on time. It was a 10 mins or so from Zuoying to Tainan ride by HSR. There was a couple who had changed their seats on their own but when the owner for the seats, they changed back to their original seats which were in front of us. And they just lower their seats, which were hitting on our luggage. Then they just pushed their big luggage to the empty seats beside us. And when the train was moving, their luggage moved over to our side. They didn't even realized it, so we just ignored it. We reached Tainan station around 11.47 am, and we made our way now to the Visitor Information Counter to ask how to go to our hotel. My friend went and asked first and she was soooo happy that the staff was able to speak English. So i let her do all the talking and questions (i can take a break)...hehehe.....

Weird Flavor Ice Cream
So we decided to take the free shuttle bus to Confucius temple, which was near our hotel and then take a cab from there. The cab from Confucius temple to the hotel was NT$85 and the hotel was hidden inside an alley. Luckily we took a cab to the hotel, saved our time finding it. We reached the hotel around 1 or 2 pm, so we took a rest in the room first before going out again. Then we left the hotel and walked to Confucius temple. Visited a Japanese house and passed by the weather center and a church and some temple. By the time we reached Confucius temple, it was already 3 plus. So we just walked around the place and i got a weird taste ice cream (got cola and mint)....hungry already...The uncle said he made it himself, NT$30 each.

After this, we went to the bus stop to take bus to Anping Old Street. We waited for quite a long time for it before the bus came. The fare to Anping was only NT$18 per pax, so we boarded. There was usb ports near each window for passengers to charge their devices too. My friend charged her iphone while we were on the bus. I thought the bus was going to Anping Fort (which actually we should have alighted at Aniping Canon/Anping Treehouse bus stop), but we didn't. Ended up we were the last ones with an old lady on the bus and the driver was asking us where we wanted to go...hohohoo...lost again...So we alighted at someware ulu...and tried to walk back to Anping street on our feet. It was around 4 plus when we started to walk, and we walked for almost half an hour or so before we ended up at the end of Anping street. By then, i was really very hungry. Luckily, we saw a stall selling shuai jian bao and it looked yummy. So we got 1 to was nice and it costs NT$12 only.

Dou Hua (Normal and with Red Beans)
Jiu Cai He (Must Try!!)
Then opposite the stall was Anping Dou Hua, so we crossed over and bought 2 bowls of dou hua to eat. Beside it, was a noodle stall too. We also ordered 1 bowl of spicy noodles to try (not really spicy though). But the food was nice...yum yum...The noodles shop also sells prawn crackers, my friend bought 1 original flavor prawn crackers back (got black pepper and chilli flavor too)...hehehe...After eating, we continued to walk down the streets of Anping.  Along the way, we came across a stall by itself. It was selling Jiu Cai He (韭菜盒) , and people was queuing for it. I just told my friend let's queue for it too. While queuing, the people in front had given big orders for it. One even ordered for a box of Jiu Cai He.....And we were only buying 1 piece...hahhaa...And we know why the people are buying large quantity for it....It was damn nice!!! I told my friend i going to finish it all up if she still don't want to try it...hohohoo....Should have buy more (regret)....haiz...

Garden Night Market
As we walked down, we ended up at the Anping Treehouse bus stop but we cannot find the treehouse (don't know where is it hidden) and it was already dark. So we just continued walking down the street until the road hits the freeway. We was thinking whether to walk to buy the Jiu Cai He, before we saw a cab going to turn out from a side road. So we flagged it and go to Garden Night Market (花園夜市). It took us NT$165 to reach the night market and it was like 45 mins journey, kept hitting on red lights. Once we alighted, can see there were alot of motorbikes parked outside the market. And the stalls were packed in an area. There were alot of people in the market too, quite squeezing. All the stalls will have their own flags shown on top, you can easily see what is the stall selling. There are some stalls provided their own table and chairs for customers to eat in. We decided to just buy back to the hotel and eat, cos it was too crowded to eat and walk at the same time.

Fried Crickets
We bought a sausage and a intestine to eat, not nice. Bought an onion pancake too, not nice also (from the stalls near to the entrance)...very sadz....My friend saw corns again and she bought 1 white corn to eat...She said not very nice too, she preferred Kaohsiung one but the yellow corns were sweeter and nice. Then we just walked around the market, looking for food. Bought a box of crabs (fresh but i find the eggs abit bitter), a bag of guava (sweet and crunchy), yellow corns, duck slices and chicken breast....There were 3 stalls side by side which were having queue of people at the back of the market. 1 stall was selling chicken breasts (which i bought 1), 1 was selling something like prata type and another was selling fried crickets....hehehee...There were other stalls like games and selling clothes and bags around the market too. We didn't walk the other stalls as we both needed to go to toilet.... :P.....So we went back to the hotel by cab and ate our food, after which we rested after a long day.

Hotel Stayed:
Famous Hotel

Places Visited:
Confucius temple
Anping Old Street
Garden Night Market

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