Monday, May 9, 2016

Cradle Mountain National Park, Tasmania Trip (Day 10)

24th March 2016, Thursday

Dove Lake

Woke up @ 6.30 pm today and we prepared breakfast and lunch too as we were going to explore the cradle mountain national park. The park does have many walking trails suitable for all, the hardest one will be the one which will take 2 to 3 days to go up to the summit. There was free shuttle bus service provided too, starting from the visitors information centre. We drove up to the fifth station, which the dove lake was located. Then we began to walk the 2 hours trail around the dove lake. Luckily the weather was sunny and it felt great too.


Wild Wormbat
After we finished the walk, it was almost past noon. So we ate our lunch in the walkers registration house and rested for awhile. Then we drove down to the 4th station, Ronny Creek. There, we happened to see some wild wormbats and that scared my friend who doesn't want to continue to walk on the trail. So i went ahead on my own up to the resort house of a man, named Gustav Weindorfer who had the vision to make cradle mountain as a national park. I went in the chalet and exploded, inside was the history of this great man and his vision. There was also a small rainforest outside the chalet, which the family will go during their summer breaks.

There was also a memorial for Gustav Weindorfer outside the chalet, then i just sat down on the bench to enjoy the view down on the big field with butter grass. Then i started to make my way down the hill, when i saw my friend came up on his own. Then we made our way down together, until he pointed to mi there was a black snake some distance away from us. i walked quickly to avoid the snake, then we drove back to the visitors information centre for a rest. Not sure was it the weather, all of us started to have slight headache (thought i was the only one). After the break, i still wanted to go walk walk but my friend wanted to go back to the cottage to rest. So the husband dropped me at the 2nd station for the enchanted walking trail and drove his wife back to the cottage.

King Billy Tree

I made my way towards to the pencil pine fall walk trail, which there was a small waterfall and the pencil pine tree. After that, i walked towards the enchanted walk trail. I was caught by the sight of a small kangaroo when my friend's husband caught up with me, Then we just continued down the trail and we saw 2 wild wormbats, an adult and a young. I went off telling the couple with a small kid who were behind us to see the wormbats. The small boy was very excited when he saw them and then he scared them away...hohohoho.....After the walk, we went for another trail - King Billy Tracks. It was obvious nobody walked on this trail. It was a rainforest trail and there were a lot of dead trees and fallen trees lying around. And one thing bad about this trail was it was with a lot of steps.

After walking the tiring trail, we drove back to the cottage and had our showers. We prepared our dinner and had a tasty dinner while watching the tv program.

Hotel Stayed:
Cradle Mountain Wildness Village

Places Visited:
Cradle Mountain National Park

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