Monday, May 9, 2016

Freyinct National Park, Tasmania Trip (Day 8)

22nd March 2016, Tuesday

Woke up lazily today @ 7.00 am, and then we prepared to head out to Freyinct National Park for our hiking. It was finally a clear sunny weather today and we arrived at the visitors information centre before starting our hike. After getting some information and the park map from the ranger, we started to walk the park. We started off to Oysters Bay, which was a 15 minutes walk return trail. There was nothing much to see after reaching the end. Later, we walked toward Wineglass Lookout which was 5 km away.

Wineglass Bay
Wineglass Beach
So we drove up to the car park where the lookout starting point located. This trail was really the toughest trail we been to throughout the whole Tasmania. It was with a lot of rocky steps and stones and some parts of the trail was quite slippery with rubber shoes. We had to keep on climbing up and down the trails, very tiring. But when we reached up on the lookout, the view was amazing and beautiful. It was a lookout to Wineglass Bay. We spent some time enjoying the view from the lookout and took some photos too. After taking a break there, we decided to head down to the Wineglass bench. The road was scarier, with all big rocks and stones. The road was not even straight and it was really not easy to walk. Very very tiring....pant pant.... It took quite long to finally reach the beach shore.

Honeymoon Bay
I walked further down the beach on my own and picked up some seashells. Sea gulls were also flying above and walking on the beach too. After spending some time on the beach, we had to climb the same trail back up to the starting point. It was much easier to climb up back rather than climbing down. After the whole trail, I was getting sweaty and hungry. We rested for a while, had toilet break and went off. We stopped by at Honeymoon Bay, where it was so silent in the area, not even the sound of waves can be heard.

Fresh prawns and Abalone Sashmi

Fresh Natural Oysters
Garlic Scallops
Oysters Katparick (Cooked)
Mussels with tomato sauce
After that, we headed to Freyinct Marine Farm for our seafood feast. We ordered raw oysters, oysters katparick, garlic scallops, mussels, prawns and abalone sushmi. It was quite expensive for the meal but the seafood were super fresh. Yum yum....nice!! Every person who went there to eat was sure to order their fresh oysters. After the meal, we travelled back to the cottage where we rested for a while. After resting, we walked out to the Bicheno visitors information centre, where i bought some postcards to send. After that, we bought a small lottery ticket to play (scratch and match type) which we didn't win anything. Then we went to buy dinner.

Fish & Chips
Fish Burger & Chips
We went to The Glutch, where it was famous for its fish & chips. We bought a fish & chips and a fish burger and brought back to the cottage. Didn't want to eat at the place as it was open and there were a lot of sea gulls eyeing on the food too. So we tabao back to eat in our cosy little cottage with TV as our entertainment.

Hotel Stayed:
Bicheno By the Bay

Places Visited:
Freyinct National Park
Freyinct Marine Farm

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