Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cameron Highlands, Malaysia Trip (Day 1)

28th April 2017, Friday

Yeah!! Exams over and it's holidays again....My friends and me had arranged to go to Cameron Highlands and Ipoh over the long weekend (though wasn't involved in the planning...just paid and go...hehehehe). We had arranged to meet at the airport around 7.00 am and one of my friends will meet up with us at Kuala Lumpur airport. I left house @ 6.30 am and had arrived at the airport first. I had to wait for the rest of them to arrive so that they can put their stuffs in my luggage for check-in...hahaa....Col had went off to the lounge while me and Dap waited for Qy to arrive. After Qy arrived, i packed her stuffs in my luggage and went ahead to check in the luggage. After that, we went for breakfast in Burger King. After breakfast, we proceeded to the boarding gate. We had to go to the washroom first as we were not allowed to go after doing the custom scans. We arrived at the waiting area, however, the plane was delayed for 10 mins. We only boarded the plane at around 9.15 am.

After we settled on the plane, there was still a delay on the taking off as there were 3 or 4 SQ planes waiting to take off on the same lane too. Our plane eventually took off at around 1 hour later, there is nothing to do on the plane. We landed in Kila2 airport around 10.45 am and cleared the customs. We met up with Deb once we collected my luggage. Then we bought some char siew baos and exited the airport to meet up with our driver.

We had booked a minivan to bring us up Cameron Highlands and Ipoh during our trip. The driver's daughter was also joined her dad along the trip. Although the driver had told us that her daughter will be a tour guide for us, but i think she was kind of shy throughout the ride....hehee....So we headed off on the road....long long ride....It was raining at the start of the ride too...i was hoping that it won't affect our whole trip....Dap went to sleep during the first half of the ride, Qy and Deb were chatting non-stop and i was snacking during the trip....Col tried to sleep abit but think we were too noisy too...hahaha....The driver stopped at a rest stop for a toilet break and it was still raining heavily....think we were all lazy to go out, so the driver and his daughter went down to get some food...

After that, we continued on the journey and the driver took the new route (via Tapah) up to the highlands. The route was going round and round and round in the second part of the journey. The driver stopped at Lata Iskandar waterfall. It was still drizzling, i ran off to the waterfall once i got off the van. There was a stall selling BBQ corns in front of the parked minivan...Deb had bought one corn with the intention to share. Once we got on the van, Col took the corn first to eat, then Deb was just looking and waiting for the corn to be passed back. Then Col asked back to us was the corn meant to be shared among us.....whahaha...priceless look on Deb's funny....

So everyone got to try the corn..the rain was raining and stopping throughout the whole journey. We passed by a settlement of kampungs along the way....We finally reached the hotel at around 4pm plus, we thanked the driver and went in for check-in. Our apartment was located at a block further down the road....the staircase down was narrow and i was carrying the luggage down the we need to climb 2 or 3 levels up in the block. Finally reached the apartment....It had also started to rain heavily again....

Hotel Lobby

Bedroom 1

Bedroom 2

There was a kitchen, two bedrooms and a living room in the apartment, Col and mi would sleep in one bedroom with two single beds, Dap and Deb would sleep in another room with a double bed and Qy will be sleeping in the living room with the TV....kekeee......We called the room service to bring us an additional mattress and slippers. We rested for some time while deciding where to go for dinner. As it was still raining heavily, we called for a cab to pick us up. We left the apartment around 5 plus and we arrived at a steamboat place called Cameron Organic Steamboat. We ordered a set with chicken, seafood, a lot of veggies, eggs and mee sua. The steamboat pot had a long funnel to it (using charcoal) and the soup smells nice....

The staff attending to us was also telling us the food was enough for the whole group of us and didn't want us to order more although we wanted to order more meat. He also challenged us that if we can finish everything, he would provide us with....more veggies....hahaaa...but Deb was not really happy on it as she wanted more meat.... :P.....I like the soup and the veggies too....very refreshing...the chilli was quite tasty too...After the nice dinner, we took a short walk along the streets and called the taxi driver to drive us to Brinchang Night Market (pasar malam). The taxi driver let us alighted and told us to give him a call once we were done. The ground was still wet after the heavy rain....

There were many stalls selling foods, honey, corns, fruits and toys...we bought some snacks too like fish chips, fresh corns and crispy pancakes....tried sampling the raw fresh corns...can taste the raw taste...we bought some raw corns back...I bought some keychains...We walked till around 8 plus, then we called the taxi driver to pick us and return to the apartment. After which, we all took turns to take shower. Then we just sat around to watch tv, Col tried to plug her thumbdrive into the TV. However, the tv would hang each time it tried to read her files....hahahaaa.....

I tried to sleep early, just managed to sleep for an hour or so...Qy was still watching TV in the living room. Didn't manage to sleep until Col played her sleeping meditation audio guide. Guess i really did sleep throughout the night after that, cos i don't remember where i had stopped when Col asked me the next morning....hahaha...

Places Visited:
Lata Iskandar Waterfall
Brinchang Night Market

Hotel Stayed:
Copthorne Hotel

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