28th July 2014, Monday
Early Morning |
Woke up super early again to catch the sunrise again (went for shower, but someone was bathing in the male toilet next door, so the water become super small and i was shivering..so i gave up), this time my friend booked a van with the hostel owner but she said this is more expensive. But we still went with it, so we packed our stuffs and went down to have our instant cup noodles and paid for our stay there. Everything costs around $1500 peso. Then we said goodbye to the owner, she was a nice lady and she thought i was a Filipino...heheeee....and all the suntanning from the previous 2 days (although it was raining in the afternoon), i think i got darker...hahahaa.....Anyway, we left with the van and the driver took us to inside the forest up on the mountain. There were already some people sitting there, waiting to see the sunrise. It was super cold, as it was like 4 plus in the morning. But i don't see stars up there this time, we just sat there and waited for the time to pass.
Floating Clouds |
Around 5 plus, the sun started to come out...on our right, we can see the clouds floating...very beautiful...like you can stand on them too....hahahaa....Then i went down to the path, and my shoes were sticking with the twigs and the mud. Cannot get them off my shoes soles...grrr.....Anyway i finally got to see the sunrise, as my friend was telling me the clouds was like floating at the same level as you and then you can see the town behind when they clear away. (We been trying to go see for the past 2 days...but seems no luck with it...hahaaa). After that, we went back to the town as we need to catch our bus back to Baguio....Argh!! Have to leave Sagada already.....It was really a fun experience in Sagada, and it was a small town that everyone can just talk to anyone and they like know each other around the town. We alighted in front of the church, and waited for the bus to come. The bus came around 6 plus, my friend bought 2 rice cakes from there and we boarded. Later there was one lady who came up with the white corns. My friend asked her where she bought them and she went down to go buy them back.
View from Bus |
The corns are white in color and shorter than our normal yellow corns. And they tasted nice too. Then the bus went off and is the same up and down roads back to Baguio, which is 6 hours ride too. Past by the mountains and small towns (cannot remember the names and the bus was very shaky too). Along the way, there were people carrying baskets coming up the bus and asked anyone whether want to buy them. But this time round, i was dozing on and off on the bus, don't know why so tired. The wind was also blowing very strongly and it was cold. Then at some point, an auntie sitting in front of mi suddenly vomited outside the window beside her. I was like...@_@....I quickly tried to close the window but i can't pull down. My friend woke up and asked me what i trying to do...hahaa...then she helped me to close the window. Then she went back to sleep... :P....Then we stopped at the pit stop for toilet break and snacks. I went down to the toilet, the floor was wet and further in, there was no door toilets...and the ones in front were with doors but not able to lock. And need to take a small pail of water for pouring in the toilet bowl. My friend went next after i came back to the bus. And she came back with paos and bulats (it was her favorite food...hahaaa). The pau was char siew and is nice....yum yum...Then the bus continued on the way, until we finally reached Baguio Bus Terminal.
Comfortable Beds |
We took a cab down to our hotel, Camp John Hay - The Manor. The pollution was very bad in Baguio, all the smoke coming out from the jeepneys and cars. You can feel your throat going dry and the smoke was very bad. Then we arrived at the hotel, the lobby was very nice, looks like a 5-star hotel. And we checked in, my friend said her brother had recommended this hotel and it was expensive too...about $100 sgd plus per night...hehehe...Then the hotel staffs brought us to our room, when we first entered, we were like....Wahhh!!!....the room was very big and got 2 very big beds, got tv and a balcony too. Outside the balcony was a garden. The toilet also very nice and got hot shower!!....Got wifi too....I was so happy but we only stay 1 night there...haiz....Then we rested for awhile. While resting, i told my friend about that auntie vomiting in the bus, she was saying that she was wondering why i was trying to close the window when i told her previously i don't want the window to be closed. We were both laughing so hard at each other...hahahahaa.....My friend also said the cab driver almost don't want to ferry us to the hotel, he thought we don't have money to afford it. The beds were so nice to lie down...shiok...I told my friend there was a weighing machine too...we had to weigh ourselves and see how much we gained from the past 4 days...hahahaa
We finally dragged ourselves out to find lunch...we walked down the road and went into a bar and grill restaurant. We ordered a chicken sisig and a long beans dishes with soft drinks. The food was yummy, but my friend was saying here costs more expensive than in Sagada. After lunch, we made our way to Philippines Military Academy (PMA). My friend said her brother went to the academy and completed there, so she had many memories there. Before entering the academy, the guard will collect ID card to keep and then he let us in. The academy is very big, is like another town inside. But the museum was abit sad and it costs us $10 peso each to enter. My friend was also giving an introduction at the things do in the military and the buildings. There was this wall, where the badges of all the classes were displayed but there was 2 or 3 badges already faded away (can't even see the words and images). There were tanks, big guns, helicopter, plane to see too (but there were spider webs around them..no cleaning done).Then we walked slowly back out of the military, i was sneezing away but the weather wasn't very cold....Thought i got a cold already...my friend kept saying she will kill me if i get sick...hahhaaaa.....We tried to get a cab to head down to the Buddhist temple once we came out of the military.
Mini Fried Chicken |
Once, we reached, we walked up to the entrance but it was closed. It was a Buddhist temple but it is called Bell Church in the city. Anyway, we can't enter, then my friend saw there was a stall selling something interesting. The stall selling fried small small chicken and it was as a whole (the head and intestines were still with it). She went and ordered a cup (consists of 3) and a cup of fishball (i think...hahaa). It was put with vinegar, tastes abit sour sour, quite nice. I see the mini fried chicken with the head, i don't dare to try already....hahaha...but it does smell yummy and i tried the mini drumsticks....and it was really nice (not what i expected)...I was asking my friend how she ate the whole thing even with the bones....hahahaa....Then we went out to take a cab to go to Good Shepherd. But when we arrived, it was also closed but the stall was still opened, which we managed to buy their local product, Ube (Yam) jam and some other snacks. Then we took the cab to Mine's View Park, which was nearby. But we cannot see the view down from the park, cos the clouds were covering the view and it was a patch white. So we just sat down to rest for awhile, then we went to the shops around the park to see whether we can get some souvenirs back. After shopping, we took a jeepney back, this time we sat in front (beside the driver) so no need to squeeze in the back.
Half Chicken (Yum Yum!!) |
The driver told us that the city market sells alot of the tee-shirts, we alighted there. It was opposite the bus terminal we alighted earlier when we came back from Sagada. There really got a lot of shops but nothing interests me, cos the designs looks alot like the ones i saw in Sagada. And i was very hungry... >_<.....After going round the area, we finally going for dinner. We took a cab down to SM Baguio City..It was big shopping mall too with alot of shops in it. We came upon a restaurant called Classic Savory, selling chinese style food. We got a fried rice and a half chicken..the food was good sia...nice...After the dinner, we were looking for desserts. Wanted to go a cafe called Cafe by The Ruins, saw it was with good reviews online but it was near to their closing time, so we gave it a pass.
Went to the cafe next door and bought a lemon tart instead, then my friend dragged mi to Jollibee to buy their peach lemon pies (Singapore Jollibee doesn't have this dessert and it was her favorite too). And you really will see Jollibee around, don't really see much KFC and McDonald's' around. Then we took a cab back to our hotel. Long day today...went back to have our desserts and had a super nice hot shower...ahhh... ^_^...
Hotel Stayed:
Camp John Hay - The Manor
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